7:19 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
say something! (0)

ello WAHKAO OMG!!?? haven't been blogg-ing for damn long!! =.=(DIao) but its so true.. anywae.. im starting fresh AGAIN(snigger) really sori if ii made some of eu gib up on me..i lacked inspiration>.< juz hope u forget me not..or 'forget this blog not' k?? any suggestions..juz spill at the tagbrd..[tts whats it for..duh=.= ] help me killREvive this blog.. {im not a veri responisble owner so dun EXpect much^^]

went to watch pursuitOFhappYness..
lurve it
kinda sad though
i actually teared a bit
(veri emotional:D)=.=
hope u guys go watch^^
if not..u dunno wad the fun ur missin'!!

tts all