7:52 AM
Friday, June 1, 2007

^^the pix's cute rite?? lol..totally fact
heyss!! never post for really long.
yay!! supplementary is like so damn over.. phew!! can't stand another day of skOOL [no offence] seriously
hope eu lyk the new b|ogskin..
erms..the song doesn't really match the blogskin rite?..
yeah,trying to find sumthiing more suitable
erms..whose b'dae iz approaching?
oh yeah!!
to jieying: happy b'dae in advanced..pursue ur dreams:)
if i missed out ur b'dae..tell me pwease
if not i'll feel bad if one day i realised i forgot
tell me for this old fwen's sake
ok i starting to crap again}}