10:34 PM
Friday, June 8, 2007
say something! (0)
heyss! whutzzup???

izit counted long since i've not post?

anyway..lots of stuff happened

start with thursday

1. went to skool for science workshop - teacher is called MR BOB!!??
2. yeast experment - made the whole faith6 classroom stink lyk hell (oops!T_T)
3. didn't pay attention most of the time coz we were playing with phones..blahblah
4. went home feeling dead to da world.
5. went dental appointment at 2pm
6. saw anna
7. saw the dentist treat her.. creepy
8. came to my turn..
9. shivered
9. my dad fetched me and anna to shuin hern's hse for project
10. ppl who went : anna, me, shuinhern, weiyang, clement, jia wei
11. waisted about 1 and a half hour trying to hack shuinhern's dad account, playing com, watching tv whutever crap, junk, crappy junks [trying to avoid using vulgarities]
12. went down to play badminton and some of us played soccer
13. pizza boy (shuin kang) was the net when we played badminton and the shuttercock landed in the pizza!! hahas
14. the boys tried to hit shuin hern and jia wei with the football.. and unfortunately for them succeeded..
15. weiyang and jia wei somehow got into a fight and chased each other out of our sight..
16. anna broke her shoe
17. we realised jia wei and wei yang were missing
18. anna went up coz of her shoe and me and the others went looking for them
19. when shuin hern called, weiyang said they were at hill groove!! gosh!!
20. so we went to the entrance to see if we could see them..
21. waited and waited and decided to call anna to see if they pranked us
22. turned out they were at home
23. we went back feeling..well..negative
24. shuin hern wanted revenge so i got ready my badminton racket(izit spelt this way<<)
25. they were not at home when we went back..
26. felt frustrated..
27. started to eat pizza and drink anything
28. called liang zhi and victoria coz they neva come
29. victoria was busy
30. liang zhi was in........................the toilet..LOL!!
31. decided not to ask him come anyway
32. weiyang and jia wei came back
33. didn't let them in at first but decided to open the door later..
34. was really bored
35. tried using the computer but no wireless connection
36. watched tv
37. shuin hern asked "what to watch" and clement said "powerpuffgurls" so we watched it..[you didn't hear wrong k?]
38. watched simpsons later..sum really idiotic yet funny scenes
39. got down to business (practising)
40. got problem with the high notes..
41. shuin hern's parents finally came back
42. which means we could use the computer!! whoohoo!!
43. watched stick man videos..
44. said goodbye

really typical..
science workshop.. Mr Bob said if he had a chance to be a girl, he would!! we laughed off our seats..heehee
then went home and then went tuition..

even more typical
did assessments bks almost the whole day
went west mall to get sum shorts, pants etc. and ate at pastamania..
my mum went to watch horse racing!! wish i went.. REGRETSS!!
then saw some familiar faces from my class...

assessment bks
made a time table

ok.. mayb sumthing really cool's gonna happen nex+ ..
if it does, then i'll try my best to post bout it k?

please don't stop tagging ppl!!
im posting!!

interesting thing:
heyss!! don't laugh ur head off k? mayb you wont..aniwae
shawn AKA porny from ch6 was in the science workshop as well
so when Mr bob was calling attendance..

(the conversation)
Mr bob: Shawn Tan Kai? (in this really weird tone)
[porny raised his hand]
Mr bob: do u know what's tan kai in malay?...BRANCH!!
[lots and lots and lots of laughter..]
do you think its humiliating?

tt was fun..writing it down

P.S. still got one more thing i want to post about..but i forgot coz i cant concentrate cos tictacs keep hitting the side of my head..hmm..