10:42 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
say something! (0)
hi guys[and gals]

...anyone using facebook? can tag and tell me(:

anyway, today in the morning i signed up for music class. u know i'm a beginner at music cos i dun learn piano. yeah. actually, i dun play anything except recorder and all tt. so..YAY! finally something. but i'm not gonna tell u what instrument i'm learning until i think i shld. muhahaha xD..

current activities:
1. updating on my life
2. talking on msn
3. i created a new email/msn! add me burp-xcuseme@hotmail.com
4. listening to 'what hurts the most' quite nice
5. searching for new blogskin/ anyrecommendations?
6. searching for games. any recommendations?
7. searching for songs. any recommedations?lolX
8. on facebook. please poke me if u have. >.<
i can multi-task quite well(:

anywaes, my 'first' music lesson starts nxt sunday. so.. wish me good luck! my teacher's a man. and its one to one. not sure if that's a good thing. but whatever.

going ice skating later. whoots! i improved u know.hee. but my bruises from my previous trip are still there. dotz. i fell quite badly. dont laugh

oh btw, i bot a new autograph book. this time goona ask almost the whole class. except those who ddont know how to write autographs.

ppl i might ask:
1. taymin
2. yiern
3. welly
4. keisha
5. anna
6. pika
7. benjamin
8. monk
9. shuin hern
12.hsiu yee
13. jieying
15. yi xian..

i dunno larh! not confirmed. cos my book quite thin.
anyway if i ask u to write please pu-lease dun tear any pages ok? my book (as i said) already very thin horh.
