7:21 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
say something! (0)
ok, izit me or izit that suddenly everything look like pink? ok nvm

hi im bushed. went ice-skating today at jurong east. the icedamn wet and slippery. gRR. and the rented skated were like kinda lousy and sotight.so now one of my wishes is to get myown pair of skates. srry boutmy spacing-less words. spacebar got problem. yeah, anyway, there were ppl on the ice-rink tt were skating so damn fast, i was scared tt they would knock into me so i skated so slow, probably the slowest. and all the while i was looking at the fast skaters and thinking 'showoff' [i can here the mocca advertisement playing out in the living room, u know, the one on the man selling his hse. rotfl] ya and i fell. i dunno how. i was skating then !poomp!. oWWWW...
skated for 2 hrs and then decided to go home lorh. my feet are still hurting cos u know it's really difficult to WALK on skates, which i had to, otherwise how did i get to the rink!?

so at home i played computer games. and i was introduced to this game called catch-a-poo. i suppose u roughly know what's the objective of the game. if not, pu-lease dun askme cos i dun wanna think bout it. its so totally grosss. then played the USUAL games like audi and all tt

den went to IMM for dinner and my dad claimed tt he saw leon at popular. butnvm whatever. i went mini toons:) and there was this cookie-monster puppet that i wanted so much and was so cute. but my dad was like so disappointed at the credit i was giving his intelligence when i told him he could use the puppet to teach me stuff. long story. i bot this handphone pouch which is a sock. A SOCK! not those type u wear to sk00l.duH. but its so cute cos of the picture on it.

going to ice skate nxt week. if i can. cos my feet currently hurt so badly i could cry. naH... nvm.

wish me good luck in skating-and-not-falling-as-often^^