5:55 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
say something! (0)
hi! sorry.never update for quite long time. tmr supposed to go iceskating again but its postponed(fyi ben) and i haven't really recovered from my bruises yet.so.. anyway i got flu and all tt

went shopping and skating wif yiern:) first went jurong entertainment. rented skates and all tt. i got a blister onmy foot! ouchz. and i fell 2 times. so i got bruises on my knees and a cut on my hand. hmph. at least i can skate lol. yiern didn't fall!....................

then we went vivo. had lunch at sushi tei. then walked around vivo. went to build a bear workshop. babw. so fun(: <3 the clothes and bears. hee. yeah,and i built a bear. so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then went to minitoons. bot candy. and both of us were suffering from viewing too much cuteness. bleh. xD. den went golden village to watch underdog. lols. ok...went marche for dinner

gtg bb