souless kid: erh.. lol ><
`RUTH }: tQs. jiayou in NUS high:Dwill support you, my friend!((:
=o3!: hellohello. you've got a weird tag name. lols. thanks for tagging!:D
\ben: thanks!
ernie: to you too!. lols. miss you. and ch6! D:
Yan Ying: wo de tian ah! it was my favourite song when i was in P3:D
Yu3 ing: ok thanks. waah, ok lorh. haha secretly go make. haha. please dont follow me! ><
souless kid: good point, souless kid
\ben: ok i will jiayou and ok i will tag at ur blog ((: you too must jys
wy: ok. i'll try my best remember! :D jiayou!
`ruth: lol. i know my blog die liao. so ... i just updated
♥joan.: ahaha. thanks for taqqing. nice tag name. ok i update lehrs.
\ben: huh ... ok ... maybe you went archive -.-
\ben: lol. ok ... modern dance is FUNNNNNNNN! :D. i like the uber nice style! ((: how's you cca? and jiayou in whatever you do in RI. lols
Yan Ying: hello my dear yan ying:D
x3. JIAYING! :D: hello! thanks for tagging, dear jiaying !! :D
P.S. the photo in the previous post is ME and JIAYING! ;D
and uh.. i would like to thank jiale for giving me food when i was hungry during recess.lols.

but i've nothing to post.
so this is just crap.
not in the mood now.
i miss CH6 again)x
yueling: yo!^^ ok i know whut you mean xD. anywayy, you got blog? i wan link(:
lame ol' monk: uh.. yeah that's very funny ... lols tqs for tagging((: [and i dont believe ur class one is better ><] ahaha
nat: yeps. he's so evil. everytime also 'start from 0'
Yan Ying: lols. tQs ;D haha i purposely put that picture with you inside ><
jw: erh..ok. lols yeah. anyway, see what i mean when i say you evil? ...
\ben:hello. tQs((: jiayou too;D
lame ol'monk: tqs(:
yueling: hellooos xD. tqs ferh tagging
ernie: harlowharlowharlow! lols.why not? xD.muahahahaa. xD an xtremely belated happyCNY ta you;D tqs!
samuel:hello. will relink you asap
ok i'll post some pictures taken on 6feb. will post IN DETAIL when i'm free yeah? ((:

Gen, me!, shiyun (winnie), ernie :D:D
this week wasn't bad really
we had to do stupid push-ups for the stupid PE lesson. By mr CHIA! he likes torturing us. i think (...) dhen worst, must sing school song some more. -.-
and then he was shouting
"push up position
stand up position
sit up position
push up position
stand up position
sit up position"
(repeats until we were totally "UGH")
and we had to do "twinkletwinkle little star for 95 times [ and we 100, so hardworking]

haha. that's all we decorated on monday. lol. and that's my hand there on the left. teehee. made with red packets. the 2008 =] and if you;re wondering what's that white thing at the bottom left hand corner, it's maths corrections -.-''
more decorations! whoo!but nothing reallyy very special happened so lets just skip this.
had geog assessment. wahs. difficult. buddhen i finished :D
then after school was the french FAIR
whoo!and it was so totally funny, the stuff that happened there. but its best not to be mentioned ;D [ wait, i kinda forgot whether it was monday or tuesday.]
tdays got nymd. and it rawked (cliche) so anyway, we stretched like hell. but it was fun. then later the seniors started dancing. and we watched cuz they were so cool. and dhen after 10 mins they were still dancing and i realised i was the only one with my leg still stretching on the bar [bad idea, cuz tday, which is friday, i can't even walk in peace]
then anyway we learned contemporary dance which was so totally slow and still uber nice. so much expression, and i liked it loads. buddhen the dance is quite hard but i made it through((:
so after that was the hiphop audition for the hiphop item in 'hat full of stars' and everyone must learn the dance and the audition is nxt nxt thursday. So i [and my md friends] must jiayou freaking hard. otherwise must help backstage [even if it's hiphop]
yeah tday was totally FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN ;D:D so tday was 1st FEB which is 1/2/08. which is uS!! as in my nygh class. lols. cuz our class is 102 [1/2] 'o8. so it was our birthday. YAY. we're all 13 now!. ok mayb not.. i'm still 12. haha.
and the 202 seniors were so totally nice and came our classroom to sing happy birthday and vandalise the board so beautifully. and i loved it although it was my duty to clean the board tday -.-
*touched* **tears**
happy birthday :D

hmm i dun think you can see the words. says happy birthday 102((:

haha. it says btw, we love chocolate icecreamYES
102 loves chocolate icecream. and the past few days are like so totally funny cuz we've been writing 'we love chocolate icecream' on the whiteboard cuz we want the teachers to buy for us.haha we're so naughty. and our chinese teacher wu laoshi so nice. bought us chocolates. she's so nice. wahs.and she's the smartest among all teachers:D:D i'm gonna nominate her ((:so then after that was more CNY decorations. zzz. ad our classroom was so totally red which red packets and stuff. looks quite nice. lols. i didn't help out during recess. wah i feel so bad. cuz i was practicing dance in the wushu area (roof top hall) [102 people dont spy on my and see me dance. haha you'll get yr chance and you know who i'm referring to] and the carpet there was so freaking hard to dance on cuz it was too soft. lols
then so ftaer all the decorations, this is what our classroom look like

lol. we anyhow staple the red packets.RED PACKET MANIA!!

haha weird picture? there's a ten dollar note on the top of the '8' haha properity. and the orange thing there is a fake orange fyi. lols. we're so creative. anyways, the ten dollar note was picked up from the floor. and now it's in one of the red packets on the notice board, around the '2008' thing. i know where it is xD lols. HAPPY FINDING. i will never tell you. haha. but if you really find it dont keep it for yourself horh. honesty is the umm.. best policy. yeah((:
ok anyway after school did my duty and then went to tuition with Jermaine ( my md fren )
so i'll upload some other pictures taken a few weeks back

the class party. everyone eating pizza and cake. muchies xD

last day of our orientation. we'll miss the psls. our beloved psls. aren't they just so cool??
uəlləELLEN (:
regine: yeah. i know. haha. i got so confused -.- anyway, heyhey tq loads for taqqing^^
rachelSOON: HARLOW! ofcuz i rememberrr you, my most beloved PSL. YEAH, i love my monkey too xD. tqs for tagging ;D;D
regine: lols. your welcome ((: