1:55 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
say something! (0)
yesterday went to NYlibrary to do project with jiale, ling an, klara.
i went there at about like 11+
and waited..&waited to 12+ o.o
that's when ONLY jiale came
she just came from ballet exam.
so her hair was.. gel-ish. and hardened(x
we started on our maths SIA, and printed the pies (charts):D. which costed me $1.60. O.O
at least the printing quality quite gooood:D
then jiale wanted to go wash her gel-ish and hardened hair
[i'm so not exaggerating]
so we went to the toilet, and saw some hwachong JC uniform on the sink o.o
ok nvrmind
then she washed her hair larh
and i got a bit wet.
'cause she kept flicking her hair around.

ok then we went to the canteen and i saw some nymd seniors there
*run away*
and then jiale had her lunch
and i had.. FISHCAKE!!
which was cold -.-

and after that i saw even more nymd senior(when we were walking back to the library)
and they were all like wondering why i was in school, since sec1 didn't have to go for dance practice that day -.-
"today no dance practice for sec1s leh"
i was like ...
"yeah i know"

then outside the library, we couldn't find lingan's bag, so we thought she didn't come
and then we called her.
and she picked up the phone, saying that she was in the library
and jiale said her voice sounded really cute, like weelin's (x
so we went in & she was there Dx
ok we started on the freaking geog proj. about some oil palm plantations in peninisular malaysia.
and THEN
then the 3 of us stood up and clapped. haha. kk's whole face was flushed red. (x
ok, we finished the proj. in like 25 minutes or so
then we just talked crap
and ling an's started imitating that gay mr.teo again. lol
and then jiale tried teaching ling an ballet
freaking farni lahrs.
and klara kept claiming that i was anorexic 'cause she said i was so thin (which is ironic 'cause she's skinnier than me, taller than me, and than lighter than me)
(i shall not reveal my weight. haha. :P)
ok so yeah.
and there's this video on the internet saying dancers )x esp. ballerinas )x )x are anorecix. wah.
so not lahrs.
i lead a perfectly normal life
just like evryone else:D

and yesterday i also realised ling an can be suspended in the air. (which you can say fly)
haha. 'cause she learns wushu.
pro lahr

i left the library at around 4.30+
'cause i felt so bad for staying back and talking crap.
i'm so guai(:

tday when for cca prac. and we just did warm-ups
went home at about 10.30 which is freaking early.
but still, there was nothing to do there
'cause the teacher was working on the show
'hatful of stars II'
must go watch!(:

and the seniors told us they needed funds and asked us to think of some way to raise them
so we were planning so sell nachos or something like that
and ice-cream
&& ice-cream+root beer xD

ok then i came home. and did some homework. and slept for 1 hour
after i woke up
i finally did a freaking, oh-so painful (xD) split! whoots:D
after about 4 years of not being able to do that stupid thing:D

ok it wasn't that painful
but i can feel the stretch in my thigh
and that really made a freaky/creepy mental image.
so now i can stay in a split for at most 10 seconds.
without screaming my head off.
so i must train myself:D real hard! (x
i shall jiayou! 加油!whoots!:D

and not be the most un-flex person in my CCA xD
[haha, i'm not ;D]

precious`taqq replies!:D
RUTHHH: hello!:D thanks loads!:D miss you! <3
ling2: YAY!:D thankyoooous!(:
jieying: hello jieying!<3 haha. the picture was from jiawei -.- anyway, YOU DONT SUCK! D:
okie, trust me!:D i;m just sad that all my good friends are not together with me nows. D:
including-YOU! you must jiayou ok? and i'm 100% sure that you can achieve your goals de!;D wah, we'll meet up some day-!:D
/&nikki*: hey nikki! thanksthanksthanks!<3
♥joan.: wahahas!:D i love it toos:D
sup-dup monk: hello! nice tag name. haha. thanks!:D jiayou!
jw: the other one sucks. repeat - the other one sucks. haha you are so evil to us, gurls
clarice(:: hello!:D thanks!:D lol. takecares too!(:
regine: thanksthanksthanks!:D <3
