10:23 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
say something! (0)
nat: hellooos(x lols.iloveMYclass;D tqs;D gd luck for ur class decos((:
yueling: yo!^^ ok i know whut you mean xD. anywayy, you got blog? i wan link(:
lame ol' monk: uh.. yeah that's very funny ... lols tqs for tagging((: [and i dont believe ur class one is better ><] ahaha
nat: yeps. he's so evil. everytime also 'start from 0'
Yan Ying: lols. tQs ;D haha i purposely put that picture with you inside ><
jw: erh..ok. lols yeah. anyway, see what i mean when i say you evil? ...
\ben:hello. tQs((: jiayou too;D
lame ol'monk: tqs(:
yueling: hellooos xD. tqs ferh tagging
ernie: harlowharlowharlow! lols.why not? xD.muahahahaa. xD an xtremely belated happyCNY ta you;D tqs!
samuel:hello. will relink you asap