5:31 AM
Friday, February 29, 2008
say something! (0)
taqq replies!:D
souless kid: erh.. lol ><
`RUTH }: tQs. jiayou in NUS high:Dwill support you, my friend!((:
=o3!: hellohello. you've got a weird tag name. lols. thanks for tagging!:D
\ben: thanks!
ernie: to you too!. lols. miss you. and ch6! D:
Yan Ying: wo de tian ah! it was my favourite song when i was in P3:D
Yu3 ing: ok thanks. waah, ok lorh. haha secretly go make. haha. please dont follow me! ><
souless kid: good point, souless kid
\ben: ok i will jiayou and ok i will tag at ur blog ((: you too must jys
wy: ok. i'll try my best remember! :D jiayou!
`ruth: lol. i know my blog die liao. so ... i just updated
♥joan.: ahaha. thanks for taqqing. nice tag name. ok i update lehrs.
\ben: huh ... ok ... maybe you went archive -.-
\ben: lol. ok ... modern dance is FUNNNNNNNN! :D. i like the uber nice style! ((: how's you cca? and jiayou in whatever you do in RI. lols
Yan Ying: hello my dear yan ying:D
x3. JIAYING! :D: hello! thanks for tagging, dear jiaying !! :D
P.S. the photo in the previous post is ME and JIAYING! ;D
and uh.. i would like to thank jiale for giving me food when i was hungry during recess.lols.