1:34 AM
Friday, March 21, 2008
say something! (0)
taqqs replies!:D
\ben: haha yeah, its farni(x
\ben: erh, no. you're is right? so luuuuuucky!:D
Ching Yee: hello!:D blocktests were so-so. but bio & CLC were baaaad)x
nat: yep!:D i know cheryl has a sister in soft ball, but i dunnoe her name(x she's your senior arh?
& j o a n :D: ohs. okayss:D! removed already (:

just came back JEC!:D(actually west mall xD)
first i met jiale and the rink. && i was kinda late 'cause i thought it was only 8 o'clock but it was already 9+ and i was supposed to meet her at 10(x
then when i reached the skating rink, she wasn't there. so i called her and found out she was at the first floor. lol
so we iceskated. and it was fun:D
'tho out feet were super numb. and i kinda forgot how to skate 'cause haven't dont it for quite long.
then shiyun and shuin hern came and told me about the movie thing.
at 12+, jiale and i went Mcd to eat lunch, and i wasted my money 'cause i couldn't finish the burger(x
ok then i asked jiale if she wanted to stay for the movie, and she called her mum and said YES!
but shiyun and shuinhern already bought 3 tickets only.
so i had to chiong up to the cinema and buy the ticket for her. and luckily the seat beside ours was not taken up so...YAY
and then we watched The Spiderwick Chronicles.
which was funny, sad, tragic and violent. but it funny overall:D
it's something like Narnia i guess. but nicer(x
ok then we just went to the jurongeast MRT station. and we got caught by people conducting surveys. but they were quite nice larhs. ok..
and then we topped up our ezlink cards and when to take the train.
jiale went clementi
and me, shiyun and shuinhern took to bukitbatok interchange.
and it was stupid-.-
'cause we thought the train already left. but that was the wrong train
and the train that we were supposed to take was there all the time
until i noticed it! :D
so we went to west mall after that. and we just went there to go to the toilet.
but we still wlaked around a little
and shuinhern played with shiyun's PINK PSP. wahahas(x
and so we went comics connection, precious thoughts, popular..
and HAOQING messaged me saying that she saw me
but sadly, she went home already ):
then we went home
so here i am, at home, blogging about the first 8 hours of my day(:
