2:18 AM
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Yanying shared this with me, a post on iffera's blog (iffie iffie era, bwahahah)
Omfg, I can't stop giggling now!
Oh, Iffera pays lotsa attention to detail :D
I didn't know yueling, shumin and I shake back and forth in sync when we laugh.
Anw, remembering lingan's silent laughter and stuff like that brings back lotsa memorable memories (: Thanks Iffie for posting that! :D Hahah. *Still laughing, seriously*
Ok, today I was flipping through my old diary (like one I kept when I was 4?)
Omfg, so funny. Lotsa stupid but cute one-sentence entries like:
"Today I didn't go to school because I have no school today."
(So my habit of saying 'today' really often started really long ago ._.)
"Today it rained so we couldn't play in the sandbox." (x
Oh yes, the diary was a hello kitty one (x
Flipped through some old photos today (I was that bored)
OMTian ! ! ! Those pictures were taken when I was 3
You would have thought I was a boy if I weren't wearing pink man... (x Hahah,I had really short hair, and as in the boy kinda short hair T-T So basically, I looked liked a boy in a PINK BARBIE DOLL DRESS. Bwahahah...
Saw a picture of me and an indian boy called Jeef or something. Saw him in Bukit Timah Plaza a week ago and I didn't recognise him at all, until my dad went "HI!" Later his mom said we used to hold hands together, bwahahah. That pictures was taken 10 years ago, lol. We looked so different but still the same in a cute way :D
Oh yes, I also watched some random videos my dad recorded -.- Like the one during the prize presentation when I was P2, I got 3rd in class ._. & guess what
I saw many ch6ers'07 in the video, whom I never noticed (x OMGOMGOMG
They were all like mini versions, hahah.
mini jolene, mini taymin, mini ruizhe, mini angeline, mini clement.
I was staring at the video, my mouth agape :D
Time erases away memories, but those will never be washed away (:
ellennnn ;
Yanying shared this with me, a post on iffera's blog (iffie iffie era, bwahahah)
Yan Ying tried to imitate Charissa laughing one day and well, Charissa's laugh is very unique so Yan Ying's impersonation came out like a croak which got Ling An laughing again. Then during class contact time, Charissa found something funny so she laughed, but immediately stifled it as Mrs Amy was in class. So her laugh came out like a croak, similar to Yan Ying's.
There was this split second before everyone and i mean everyone, except for Mrs
Amy, instinctively turned to Yan Ying and laughed. Just laughed.
LING AN: Haha..hah-*soundless laughter
HILARY: hah-he-hah-he*coughing as she does so*
KLARA:*laughing with one hand over her eye and bowling over with laughter*
ELLEN,YUELING,SHUMIN: *3 of them sit in a row so they were moving back and
forth together in sync*
SHICHUN: heh-heh*burys head deep into her arms*
YANYING: *muffles her laughter in her jacket*
Even Wan Li was
laughing Heh. Just when eveyone was quieting down, Charissa got into her unique
laughter again and everything started once more.
Omfg, I can't stop giggling now!
Oh, Iffera pays lotsa attention to detail :D
I didn't know yueling, shumin and I shake back and forth in sync when we laugh.
Anw, remembering lingan's silent laughter and stuff like that brings back lotsa memorable memories (: Thanks Iffie for posting that! :D Hahah. *Still laughing, seriously*
Ok, today I was flipping through my old diary (like one I kept when I was 4?)
Omfg, so funny. Lotsa stupid but cute one-sentence entries like:
"Today I didn't go to school because I have no school today."
(So my habit of saying 'today' really often started really long ago ._.)
"Today it rained so we couldn't play in the sandbox." (x
Oh yes, the diary was a hello kitty one (x
Flipped through some old photos today (I was that bored)
OMTian ! ! ! Those pictures were taken when I was 3
You would have thought I was a boy if I weren't wearing pink man... (x Hahah,I had really short hair, and as in the boy kinda short hair T-T So basically, I looked liked a boy in a PINK BARBIE DOLL DRESS. Bwahahah...
Saw a picture of me and an indian boy called Jeef or something. Saw him in Bukit Timah Plaza a week ago and I didn't recognise him at all, until my dad went "HI!" Later his mom said we used to hold hands together, bwahahah. That pictures was taken 10 years ago, lol. We looked so different but still the same in a cute way :D
Oh yes, I also watched some random videos my dad recorded -.- Like the one during the prize presentation when I was P2, I got 3rd in class ._. & guess what
I saw many ch6ers'07 in the video, whom I never noticed (x OMGOMGOMG
They were all like mini versions, hahah.
mini jolene, mini taymin, mini ruizhe, mini angeline, mini clement.
I was staring at the video, my mouth agape :D
Time erases away memories, but those will never be washed away (:
ellennnn ;
2:33 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The owner of this blog officially declares that she doesn't like rebellious/gansta/booty shaking/"want-a-piece-of-me?" hip-hop
Yeah, you know when I say I wanna dance my butt off, I don't literally mean. & I esp. didn't mean shake it off. Like what the hell? What's so nice about shaking your butt? (might as well slice it off through extreme makeover if you want it off) A part which is attached to your body and helps you pass shit? I HATE BOOTY SHAKING. YUCK. It grosses me out more thanbreast chest pops -.- Eeeks. Walao, no bre*st still wanna pop what?
Ok sorry, this isn't meant to offend anyone. Hahah. I know lots of my batchmates/cca peeps love hip hop but I LOVE lyrical hiphop (: That's all. I seriously x 1000000 hate the "i'm-the-toughest-person-in-the-world-wanna-see-my-muscles" kinda hiphop. Stupid.
Sorry rebellious hiphop lovers.
Dance today was bruisey and blisterrish today. My entire feet is black ._.
Oh we did a weird dance today. Analogy for part of the routine is: stylish vomit, pull your hair, monkey stuck is spider web :D Batchmates will know what crap I'm talking.
Liulaoshi says I got the feeling of the monkey stuck in spiderweb move (or was it Tammie?) ok whatever. I'm not sure if that's a good thing ._.
Oooooh, aaaaah, I'm a monkey stuck in a spiderweb
ellennnnn ;
Yeah, you know when I say I wanna dance my butt off, I don't literally mean. & I esp. didn't mean shake it off. Like what the hell? What's so nice about shaking your butt? (might as well slice it off through extreme makeover if you want it off) A part which is attached to your body and helps you pass shit? I HATE BOOTY SHAKING. YUCK. It grosses me out more than
Ok sorry, this isn't meant to offend anyone. Hahah. I know lots of my batchmates/cca peeps love hip hop but I LOVE lyrical hiphop (: That's all. I seriously x 1000000 hate the "i'm-the-toughest-person-in-the-world-wanna-see-my-muscles" kinda hiphop. Stupid.
Sorry rebellious hiphop lovers.
Dance today was bruisey and blisterrish today. My entire feet is black ._.
Oh we did a weird dance today. Analogy for part of the routine is: stylish vomit, pull your hair, monkey stuck is spider web :D Batchmates will know what crap I'm talking.
Liulaoshi says I got the feeling of the monkey stuck in spiderweb move (or was it Tammie?) ok whatever. I'm not sure if that's a good thing ._.
Oooooh, aaaaah, I'm a monkey stuck in a spiderweb
ellennnnn ;
6:05 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tagged by Haoqing ♥ aunty crazy womannnnnn (:
Rules & Regulations:
Each player of this game starts of with 10 weird things/habits/little know facts about yourself.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own things/habit/little know facts as well as state the rules clearly.
At the end, you need to choose 10 names to be tagged & list their names.
(Think I did this quiz before ._.)
1. I currently have 7 bruises and a double-popped blister and a bleeding toewhich is bleeding love
2. Apart from the 7 bruises and double-popped blister and bleeding toe, I'm perfectly fine.
3. I love reading nutritional facts when eating chicken wings in Mcdonalds :D
4. I ate subway today with haoqing, eunice and shiyan (:
5. I think micky and minnie are disgusting
6. I'm desperate from outings.
7. I miss jiale, shuyi, klara, taymin, yiern, anna, yixian, yueling, shumin...
8. Watching sunsets and cycling at ECP are loved :D
9. I hate smokers/smoke/cigarettes/smell of tabacco/yellow teeth/disgusting bloody yucky breath caused by smoking
10. Dance has been tiring recently but I still love it :D
I tag:
1. Taymin
2. Yixian
3. Chermaine
4. Enning
5. Yanying
6. Jiaying
7. Shichun
8. Jermaine
9. Rachel G
10. Clare
After dance today, bussed to westmall with Haoqing, Eunice and Shiyan to eat Subway
Suppa funny :P
More details at haoqing's blog.
Haoqing and her minnie mouse clip, LOOOL.
Shiyan and Eunice are so cutee (: Eunice is lag and shiyan is ... always laughing. Hahah.
I'm the only sane one :D
Anw it was a very special dinner 'cause I kept laughing. Almost choked ._.
Oh yes, always put ice-cubes before putting the drink. I'm so stupid. I did vice-versa and the ice-cubes basically plonked into the cup filled to the brim with ice lemon tea and so, the ice lemon tea splashed out, hahahah ._. & yes, beautiful, round yellow spots appeared on my skirt and shirt. Viola -.- someone slap me.
Haoqing and shiyan kept laughing for idk reason. Eunice and I were staring at each other, all o.0 Hahah. We talked a lot. Topics include:
1. La Bi Xiao Xin ._.
2. Phone numbers
3. Minnie Mouse clip
4. Tomato (x
5. & Shiyan's ____ :D bwahahah.
Bussed home with shiyan after dinner.
Tmr, Haoqing is going orchard, and I'm gonna be mugging at home
Hip hip hoorayyyyy :DD
ellennnnnn ; who needs to get into SYF 2009
Rules & Regulations:
Each player of this game starts of with 10 weird things/habits/little know facts about yourself.
People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own things/habit/little know facts as well as state the rules clearly.
At the end, you need to choose 10 names to be tagged & list their names.
(Think I did this quiz before ._.)
1. I currently have 7 bruises and a double-popped blister and a bleeding toe
2. Apart from the 7 bruises and double-popped blister and bleeding toe, I'm perfectly fine.
3. I love reading nutritional facts when eating chicken wings in Mcdonalds :D
4. I ate subway today with haoqing, eunice and shiyan (:
5. I think micky and minnie are disgusting
6. I'm desperate from outings.
7. I miss jiale, shuyi, klara, taymin, yiern, anna, yixian, yueling, shumin...
8. Watching sunsets and cycling at ECP are loved :D
9. I hate smokers/smoke/cigarettes/smell of tabacco/yellow teeth/disgusting bloody yucky breath caused by smoking
10. Dance has been tiring recently but I still love it :D
I tag:
1. Taymin
2. Yixian
3. Chermaine
4. Enning
5. Yanying
6. Jiaying
7. Shichun
8. Jermaine
9. Rachel G
10. Clare
After dance today, bussed to westmall with Haoqing, Eunice and Shiyan to eat Subway
Suppa funny :P
More details at haoqing's blog.
Haoqing and her minnie mouse clip, LOOOL.
Shiyan and Eunice are so cutee (: Eunice is lag and shiyan is ... always laughing. Hahah.
I'm the only sane one :D
Anw it was a very special dinner 'cause I kept laughing. Almost choked ._.
Oh yes, always put ice-cubes before putting the drink. I'm so stupid. I did vice-versa and the ice-cubes basically plonked into the cup filled to the brim with ice lemon tea and so, the ice lemon tea splashed out, hahahah ._. & yes, beautiful, round yellow spots appeared on my skirt and shirt. Viola -.- someone slap me.
Haoqing and shiyan kept laughing for idk reason. Eunice and I were staring at each other, all o.0 Hahah. We talked a lot. Topics include:
1. La Bi Xiao Xin ._.
2. Phone numbers
3. Minnie Mouse clip
4. Tomato (x
5. & Shiyan's ____ :D bwahahah.
Bussed home with shiyan after dinner.
Tmr, Haoqing is going orchard, and I'm gonna be mugging at home
Hip hip hoorayyyyy :DD
ellennnnnn ; who needs to get into SYF 2009
5:24 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Hey there (:
Wow, today is PSLE results day.
Hope all my juniors did well and got treated to pizza. Mrs. Lee is pretty generous alr (:
I remember PSLE marked the last day of ch6's togetherness. & I mean it literally. Evidently (and sadly), the unity is fading off... Moving on huh?
This year was fast eh?
"Times flies when you're having fun."
Not sure if I had fun this year, but it was definitely meaningful.
I got somethings I wanted - e.g. a little teeny weeny bit more flexibility, nicer clothes, a future sonny ericsson W595 (Getting on 3rd Dec !!!), twilight saga, a beautiful friendship :D & a very pretty but suffocates-you-like-hell dance jacket (x
But I also lost a couple of things - e.g. my sense of humor ._. Sighs, it's totally gone. Not many things make me laugh now. I only laugh at myself crapping -.- Sometimes, someone tells a 冷笑话 and everyone just burst out laughing, while I pretend to giggle. This is stupid. Or maybe it's just that I pay more attention to the times I fake laugh compared to times when it's sincere.
Other stuff I lost include - my thumbdrive ._. It's one that has really nice colours ): - RED & BLACK. I'm sure I lost quite a noticeable amount of hair T-T & I'm 60% sure that 50% of my ego is minced T-T
Ughs, enough with reflections
Tag replies are up:
Shichun: LOOOOL, yes. When she came running out, I went, "EUNICEEEE"
jermaine: I found it on youtube :D Hahahah, I would love to see how you look bogay, bwahahaha
nicholine(:: Hey, thanks! Same to you (:
cher: Oh, thanks! I will delete the disgusting, revolting, bleachish auto-smileys asap >:(
ENNING:): Oh you're alive !!! :D Tml's friday! See you! Rmb to get cute food
♥ haoqing: Hahahah, sure, what are friends for? The stupid bus that never come really pissed us off, LOOOOL. See you at dance tml!
shumin: You should go out or something. Being bored rots the brain, hahah. How's the foot? (:
yueling: You know, it would be cute if both you and shumin have those black head bands and go "HHHIIIEEE-YA!" like ninjas. Rofl !!! (:
&;BEN!: Tagged (:
shumin: Let's all be ninjas ._.
hilary: Hahahah, glad you love it :D It's really nice and beautiful and PRETTY !!!
shumin: I think I was just PMS-ing, AGAIN. Wahlao, I hate puberty ): Oh, I want an outing !
taemeen: Happy hols to you tooooo (: Hahah, outing with yiern, yixian and you. SURE WOMAN. I can't wait (:
monk^_^: Am I supposed to say thanks? Loool
yueling: Hahah, no that's not emoing. It's PMS-ing. O_O My butt's existence is for your whacking huh? Not emo alr :D LOOOL. Oh man, I want an outing ): Stupid trainings ...
Yueling & Shumin, I'm not emo lahs :D HAPPY HAPPY.
Outing guys ???
Oh, Jiale, pangseh me in S'pore. Wth >:(
Quickly come back so four of us can go out ok !!!
Taemeen, call me and tell me when you're free ok ? (:
I'm despo for outings. Partly because I've not had an official everybody-there kinda outing. & partly for another reason which will not be mentioned here. (I'm so sick of 'flaming' in word microsoft -.-)
Twilight fans, I've got a movie poster! Be jealous, bwahahahah.
Anw, anybody keen to go ECP to cycle with me ??? I need some air (x
Just read a teenage magazine true story. A girl downed herself with alcohols to her death. *Shudders*. Best not to get too depressed over stupid stuff.
ellennn :D
Wow, today is PSLE results day.
Hope all my juniors did well and got treated to pizza. Mrs. Lee is pretty generous alr (:
I remember PSLE marked the last day of ch6's togetherness. & I mean it literally. Evidently (and sadly), the unity is fading off... Moving on huh?
This year was fast eh?
"Times flies when you're having fun."
Not sure if I had fun this year, but it was definitely meaningful.
I got somethings I wanted - e.g. a little teeny weeny bit more flexibility, nicer clothes, a future sonny ericsson W595 (Getting on 3rd Dec !!!), twilight saga, a beautiful friendship :D & a very pretty but suffocates-you-like-hell dance jacket (x
But I also lost a couple of things - e.g. my sense of humor ._. Sighs, it's totally gone. Not many things make me laugh now. I only laugh at myself crapping -.- Sometimes, someone tells a 冷笑话 and everyone just burst out laughing, while I pretend to giggle. This is stupid. Or maybe it's just that I pay more attention to the times I fake laugh compared to times when it's sincere.
Other stuff I lost include - my thumbdrive ._. It's one that has really nice colours ): - RED & BLACK. I'm sure I lost quite a noticeable amount of hair T-T & I'm 60% sure that 50% of my ego is minced T-T
Ughs, enough with reflections
Tag replies are up:
Shichun: LOOOOL, yes. When she came running out, I went, "EUNICEEEE"
jermaine: I found it on youtube :D Hahahah, I would love to see how you look bogay, bwahahaha
nicholine(:: Hey, thanks! Same to you (:
cher: Oh, thanks! I will delete the disgusting, revolting, bleachish auto-smileys asap >:(
ENNING:): Oh you're alive !!! :D Tml's friday! See you! Rmb to get cute food
♥ haoqing: Hahahah, sure, what are friends for? The stupid bus that never come really pissed us off, LOOOOL. See you at dance tml!
shumin: You should go out or something. Being bored rots the brain, hahah. How's the foot? (:
yueling: You know, it would be cute if both you and shumin have those black head bands and go "HHHIIIEEE-YA!" like ninjas. Rofl !!! (:
&;BEN!: Tagged (:
shumin: Let's all be ninjas ._.
hilary: Hahahah, glad you love it :D It's really nice and beautiful and PRETTY !!!
shumin: I think I was just PMS-ing, AGAIN. Wahlao, I hate puberty ): Oh, I want an outing !
taemeen: Happy hols to you tooooo (: Hahah, outing with yiern, yixian and you. SURE WOMAN. I can't wait (:
monk^_^: Am I supposed to say thanks? Loool
yueling: Hahah, no that's not emoing. It's PMS-ing. O_O My butt's existence is for your whacking huh? Not emo alr :D LOOOL. Oh man, I want an outing ): Stupid trainings ...
Yueling & Shumin, I'm not emo lahs :D HAPPY HAPPY.
Outing guys ???
Oh, Jiale, pangseh me in S'pore. Wth >:(
Quickly come back so four of us can go out ok !!!
Taemeen, call me and tell me when you're free ok ? (:
I'm despo for outings. Partly because I've not had an official everybody-there kinda outing. & partly for another reason which will not be mentioned here. (I'm so sick of 'flaming' in word microsoft -.-)
Twilight fans, I've got a movie poster! Be jealous, bwahahahah.
Anw, anybody keen to go ECP to cycle with me ??? I need some air (x
Just read a teenage magazine true story. A girl downed herself with alcohols to her death. *Shudders*. Best not to get too depressed over stupid stuff.
ellennn :D
2:25 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Dance today was... fun :D
How rare for me to use that word to describe practice.
The normal adjectives are "tiring", "painful" and "ouch" ._.
Liulaoshi was nice today, she wasn't criticising us.
& she said we did the 3-count well. We learnt a new, pretty part of the dance.
It's still mostly floor work, but now I kinda got used to it.
I find the floor much better than the bed :DD
Bussed home with haoqing, Eunice and Shiyan. They're all so cute.
Haoqing told a lot of 冷笑话s. LOOOOL. Insane aunty ... (:
Why do I not find anything funny anymore.
How rare for me to use that word to describe practice.
The normal adjectives are "tiring", "painful" and "ouch" ._.
Liulaoshi was nice today, she wasn't criticising us.
& she said we did the 3-count well. We learnt a new, pretty part of the dance.
It's still mostly floor work, but now I kinda got used to it.
Bussed home with haoqing, Eunice and Shiyan. They're all so cute.
Haoqing told a lot of 冷笑话s. LOOOOL. Insane aunty ... (:
Why do I not find anything funny anymore.
4:51 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I owe Yueling a post [: Yueling, I hope you see this :D
First of all, just found out yesterday was Ruisian's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY [: IT rep!
Jiale came to my house in the morning and we basically did the following:
1. She watched diao man gong zhu on youtube
2. I read twilight
3. We crapped :D
Tried to do homework but only did 5 maths questions T-T Pathetic.
Lunched at westmall and saw Ruth dearie at burger king !!!
We bought some more nachos and stuff.
Bussed home at did the same stuff. At around 5, we bussed to school with all the nachos and cheese. I lent her twilight and new moon, and she forgot to bring them with her O_O So she's coming later -.=
Back to topic, we met Wanli on our way there and then set up the stalls outside the auditorium [:
Thank god Sandra brought the heating thingum. Went into the audi for briefing.
We finished selling everything before the performance started O_O = Nothing to sell for interval. Jiale, YanYing and I walked/run (yes we didn't bus) to the Avenue 6 Cold storage. YanYing kept singing yueliangdaobiaowodexin (reminds me of yueling, bwahahahah) and Jiale and I were all - "Do we know her?" "Of course not" (x She got really hyper and started thinking she was hillary clinton...
Sold out everything during the intervals. But our profit was still pathetic ):
After interval, I saw 202B and saw Eunice do her "Bling bling sunglasses" !!! Haha. Didn't see my angel perform due to the nachos crisis ):
FDL performance
Met Haoqing and chermaine at westmall and had dinner with them at koufu :D Chermaine said I looked angmoh O_O Ok we had a long conversation about races, I think.
Then we trained to Bugis and thought we were gonna be late. Chatted with the rest - Jielin, Cheryl, Shiyun, Karyan (I didn't forget anyone right?). Liulaoshi brought us to the performance fom the national library after jermaine came.
The performance was ... thought-provoking ... Liulaoshi asked us to write reflections.
I basically praised the dancers for how professional they were.
I wish I could dance like that ):
Trained home with Haoqing and some other batch darlings :D
Yueling, I posted, hahahah.
Tag replies
tammie: Yeah ok I'll reply on your tagboard. I'm still getting the red and white one [:
yueling: Yueling♥ hahah who knows? Ninjaaaaaa ...
CLARICE: Yep, can't wait for next year's :D I saw you perform, cute cute cute. River flows in you is PRETTY !!!
Shichun: Yes, Imma alligator so be fearful, don't mess with me
ruth: RUTHIE :D Yep, it's a pretty song :D IMY
ENNING:): LOL, I was referring to the part "have fun being tortured by her" as being sarcastic (x See you this friday, you better come!
shiyun((:: Hahahah, thanks! [: No, you're not spamming :D Hope to have outing soon?
cher: Ok sure [: I hate auto-smileys, how to remove!?!?!
♥ haoqinqqq(:: Hello haoqinggggggg :D See you at dance later, whee...
ENNING:): ENNING!!! I always type your name as ening (x Friday !!! ???
klara: KLARAKOHPQ YOU'RE FINALLY BACK AFTER 1203047839473 years :DDD !!! Hahah, i'm going back on 14th Dec, still have a month. The mountain thing was cute ok! Cute, cute, cute. Everyone thinks so lor. Wise po po. Anw, hope 6th Dec can go out !!! [:
ENNING:): Oh man, why must like that? You can recover by friday, right? We will miss you if you don't come ): How's your eye? Pleeaaase come !!! Don't cry, *comforts enning* :D See you ok? [:
jinny: HELLO JINNY! :D Thanks! Haven't seen you in a looooong time. Linked you alr.
Dance later at 1230
My bruises are gone and my gigantic blister popped !!!
Ellen :D
First of all, just found out yesterday was Ruisian's birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY [: IT rep!
Jiale came to my house in the morning and we basically did the following:
1. She watched diao man gong zhu on youtube
2. I read twilight
3. We crapped :D
Tried to do homework but only did 5 maths questions T-T Pathetic.
Lunched at westmall and saw Ruth dearie at burger king !!!
We bought some more nachos and stuff.
Bussed home at did the same stuff. At around 5, we bussed to school with all the nachos and cheese. I lent her twilight and new moon, and she forgot to bring them with her O_O So she's coming later -.=
Back to topic, we met Wanli on our way there and then set up the stalls outside the auditorium [:
Thank god Sandra brought the heating thingum. Went into the audi for briefing.
We finished selling everything before the performance started O_O = Nothing to sell for interval. Jiale, YanYing and I walked/run (yes we didn't bus) to the Avenue 6 Cold storage. YanYing kept singing yueliangdaobiaowodexin (reminds me of yueling, bwahahahah) and Jiale and I were all - "Do we know her?" "Of course not" (x She got really hyper and started thinking she was hillary clinton...
Sold out everything during the intervals. But our profit was still pathetic ):
After interval, I saw 202B and saw Eunice do her "Bling bling sunglasses" !!! Haha. Didn't see my angel perform due to the nachos crisis ):
FDL performance
Met Haoqing and chermaine at westmall and had dinner with them at koufu :D Chermaine said I looked angmoh O_O Ok we had a long conversation about races, I think.
Then we trained to Bugis and thought we were gonna be late. Chatted with the rest - Jielin, Cheryl, Shiyun, Karyan (I didn't forget anyone right?). Liulaoshi brought us to the performance fom the national library after jermaine came.
The performance was ... thought-provoking ... Liulaoshi asked us to write reflections.
I basically praised the dancers for how professional they were.
I wish I could dance like that ):
Trained home with Haoqing and some other batch darlings :D
Yueling, I posted, hahahah.
Tag replies
tammie: Yeah ok I'll reply on your tagboard. I'm still getting the red and white one [:
yueling: Yueling♥ hahah who knows? Ninjaaaaaa ...
CLARICE: Yep, can't wait for next year's :D I saw you perform, cute cute cute. River flows in you is PRETTY !!!
Shichun: Yes, Imma alligator so be fearful, don't mess with me
ruth: RUTHIE :D Yep, it's a pretty song :D IMY
ENNING:): LOL, I was referring to the part "have fun being tortured by her" as being sarcastic (x See you this friday, you better come!
shiyun((:: Hahahah, thanks! [: No, you're not spamming :D Hope to have outing soon?
cher: Ok sure [: I hate auto-smileys, how to remove!?!?!
♥ haoqinqqq(:: Hello haoqinggggggg :D See you at dance later, whee...
ENNING:): ENNING!!! I always type your name as ening (x Friday !!! ???
klara: KLARAKOHPQ YOU'RE FINALLY BACK AFTER 1203047839473 years :DDD !!! Hahah, i'm going back on 14th Dec, still have a month. The mountain thing was cute ok! Cute, cute, cute. Everyone thinks so lor. Wise po po. Anw, hope 6th Dec can go out !!! [:
ENNING:): Oh man, why must like that? You can recover by friday, right? We will miss you if you don't come ): How's your eye? Pleeaaase come !!! Don't cry, *comforts enning* :D See you ok? [:
jinny: HELLO JINNY! :D Thanks! Haven't seen you in a looooong time. Linked you alr.
Dance later at 1230
My bruises are gone and my gigantic blister popped !!!
Ellen :D
10:45 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Dad [:
1:59 AM
No mood to blog about fund-raising now. Probably twisted my ankle or something. Anw, dance today was tiring and painful, which is why I'm not going for the last night of C&D. I'm not sure how many bruises/blisters I have, haven't counted the ones on my back T.T No regrets though, I love dance. It comes 2nd on my list of loves. 1st is of course family and friends :D
Tag replies:
rachel g: Yeah, I half expected that (x I'm all crazy at home too.
&;BEN!: Tell you on MSN.
hilary: YOYOYO! :D
shumin: Ok relax. Chill girl, I'm not gonna delete such a special picture (even if it's disgusting xD)
jermaine: LOL, I did that quiz already. Yes, Jermaine Pan, I went to you :D
Joie Tan: Yes I remember you [: Yeah, linked you alr. Congrats on cookie, he's adorable :D (or is it a she?)
taemeeen:DDD: Hahah, I couldn't wait so borrowed from my friend. Read a few chapters only :\
shumin: Which means you can't control :D Since, you can't make it silent. Hahah
CLARICE: Oh man, which means the mistake WAS obvious :\ Oh well. LOL, I saw you performance, soooooooo cute [:
yueling: YAY, I got yueling support me :D Hahah, too bad SHUMIN ;P
shumin-yl: LOL
Yan Ying: Thanks for the pictures !!!
cher: Sadly, this song wasn't chosen for the lullaby, some other song in the end. How heartbreaking (x Anw, dance was torturing today.
shumin: Yep, she should consider changing the colour of the headband thing. Shouldn't be white :D Hahah
ENNING:): ENNING !!! You super chio girl :DD Oh man !?!? Why? Next friday ok! [: And you're so sarcastic (x
YY: Yep, it's the 210 happy family performance song. I was searching for Bella's lullaby in Twilight and this came out, though it isn't the lullaby D:
yueling: Hahah, who knows? You'll make a goooood ninja :D Hahah, yeah many ♥♥♥ for you!
cher: I think I cried, listening to the song -.=
Shichun: OH REALLY !?!?!?! I didn't see you D: I wasn't really paying attention when I was cycling, lol. My dad was yelling at me but I didn't hear -.= I LOVE MY BLOG MUSIC
Off to stone beside the window :D
; Ellen :D
Tag replies:
rachel g: Yeah, I half expected that (x I'm all crazy at home too.
&;BEN!: Tell you on MSN.
hilary: YOYOYO! :D
shumin: Ok relax. Chill girl, I'm not gonna delete such a special picture (even if it's disgusting xD)
jermaine: LOL, I did that quiz already. Yes, Jermaine Pan, I went to you :D
Joie Tan: Yes I remember you [: Yeah, linked you alr. Congrats on cookie, he's adorable :D (or is it a she?)
taemeeen:DDD: Hahah, I couldn't wait so borrowed from my friend. Read a few chapters only :\
shumin: Which means you can't control :D Since, you can't make it silent. Hahah
CLARICE: Oh man, which means the mistake WAS obvious :\ Oh well. LOL, I saw you performance, soooooooo cute [:
yueling: YAY, I got yueling support me :D Hahah, too bad SHUMIN ;P
shumin-yl: LOL
Yan Ying: Thanks for the pictures !!!
cher: Sadly, this song wasn't chosen for the lullaby, some other song in the end. How heartbreaking (x Anw, dance was torturing today.
shumin: Yep, she should consider changing the colour of the headband thing. Shouldn't be white :D Hahah
ENNING:): ENNING !!! You super chio girl :DD Oh man !?!? Why? Next friday ok! [: And you're so sarcastic (x
YY: Yep, it's the 210 happy family performance song. I was searching for Bella's lullaby in Twilight and this came out, though it isn't the lullaby D:
yueling: Hahah, who knows? You'll make a goooood ninja :D Hahah, yeah many ♥♥♥ for you!
cher: I think I cried, listening to the song -.=
Shichun: OH REALLY !?!?!?! I didn't see you D: I wasn't really paying attention when I was cycling, lol. My dad was yelling at me but I didn't hear -.= I LOVE MY BLOG MUSIC
Off to stone beside the window :D
; Ellen :D
6:01 AM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
This was after rehearsals, went to catch Quantum of Solace (which I didn't understand). Ate at pastamania :DD
First time I was so enthusiastic over MAKE-UP
What was I doing? Idk -.-
Working like a pro :D
Chery-lllllllllllll :D
My beloved table buddie :D SHUMIN! [: Who, I discovered on C&D night, loves make-up, hahah
Iffera, Hilary and Regine :D
Choral&Drama Night is tml O_O GAHHHH, got a feeling I'll screw up everything DD: Something bad's gonna happen. Maybe I'll break a leg ... (as in literally ._.)
I shall gaze at Edward Cullen for comfort [: Yay.
5:54 AM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Went JP with Taymin, Yixian, YingXuan, Gen, ShuinHern, Jiawei and Monk
Met Taymin dear and Jurong East MRT.
Wth, her handphone no batt DD: So I was walking around Popular like some retard (x
Then finally she tapped my shoulder and I got frightened -_-
Taemeennnn : Don't scare me like that ok! >:( LOL
So we trained to Boon Lay and bitched quite a little on the way there *把头压得低低的,装出一幅可怜样*
Oh please, Secondary life is full of tears, bitching, backstabbing, lying, betraying, creating holes in peoples' chest...
Ok then Yixian smsed me and said she arrived alr and was figuring out her way to JP, (x LOL
Then we arrived and met up with rest.
Lotsa people changed, I guess. But I don't have the right to criticise. 'cause if changing were a crime, I would be guilty as well.
Bought tickets for HSM3 [:
Movie was ok. The ending was a little screwed. Sorry brainwashed HSM fans ):
It was unexpected. & I was really blur that day, so I only understood the storyline halfway through.
Oh did I mention that JP Golden Village screens a hell lot of ads and trailers before the movie starts
Taymin and I were like complaining like !?!?!?! @#^&%&%
Ok maybe not that bad (x But the movie was suposed to start at 430.
Started at 445 instead.
Crap man.
After the movie my neck ached.
All of them went to Macs to eat. Taymin, Yixian and I didn't.
(as you can see from my wishlist, I haven't striked the "eat fast food once a month", which means it is NOT fulfilled, which means I must put in extra effort. I'm putting pressure on myself. Poopey Shit)
Ok then we went back to Macs and find them but they weren't there. So we loitered around (x
Went to Popular,Perlini's Silver, Wallet Shop and then trained home.
Yixian and I alighted at Bukit Batok, and waved goodbye to Tayminwith tears in our eyes ): I miss you alr taymin!!!
Said bye to Yixian (though I'll still her in school, LOL) and went to west mall.
At first I just went there for nothing. I didn't wanna go home. I saw the mall in front of me, so I just went -_-
It was the type of feeling when you're didn't know what word you can use to describe it. That was how I felt. Like as if doing anything was fine. I wasn't sure why I was headed there.Like as if I had enough cash $ with me to buy something I wanted, if there even WAS anything I wanted It's like those moments in life when you're not sure what to do, you're not even sure what you're actually doing. So I was just walking, without thinking. (Just like when I sms, when I suddenly type a T_T face there when it's totally incoherent)
In west mall, I saw breakdtalk, then went to buy bread for my parents (xBeing a very filial daughter Brilliant idea right? (x Saw shuin hern who was, i-dont-know, stoning perhaps?.
Bussed home after that. & when I reached home, my dad bought brownies. Waste my $4.20
So it wasn't really a brilliant idea to go west mall. But if I had headed straight to the bus interchange, walking without thinking, I would probably board the wrong bus and went on a tour around S'pore. Not a bad idea (:
So that was saturday :D A weird day :D
I finally finished NEWMOONNNNNNNN :D
Enning, it wsn't that boring ok! You told me I could have just skipped it
Haha, I'm glad I didn't (x
It wasn't as nice as Twilight, but it was nice :D Just a little draggy. With the whole Jacob being a werewolf and Edward leaving and danger and adrenaline... & stuff
Overall nice [:
Now, I'm on a mission to hunt down Eclipse, which can't be found anywhere, including borders ): Ask taymin
Oh presenting my spectacular list of holiday school-related stuff:
1. Chinese Compo
2. Chinese YingYongWen
3. Chinese SIA
4. Chinese LiZhiShu YueDu thing which I'm clueless about (...)
5. Rewrite LA EOYs Compo
6. 58 fun-to-do algebra questions :DDDDD
7. Go for dance every monday, wednesday, friday.
8. Choral and Drama Night rehearsals (Which Jiale is happily ponning tml! D:)
9. Choral and Drama Night. If I screw this,I don't need to jump off a building. I'd die there and then of embarrassment I will be strong :DD
Wish me luck for the C&D performance this thursday *Shudders*
*Feeling will trip once I step onto the stage -_-*
Ok to end off: Tag replies! *Rounda Applause, Standing Ovation!*
Shichun: My blog songs are all nice! *Egos* ;P
yixian: Linked dear!
CLARE: I missed ya loads tooooo! Though Liulaoshi PMS-ed yesterday DD:
jermaine: Haha blogskin (x Yep, it's scary
yueling: WANSUI WANSUI! (x Haha, Yueling the Queen. Yeah I know it was concentration game -_-
daniel :): Thanks!
rachel g: That was mt friend who found a pair of socks but it wasn't hers so she dumped them there -_-
YY: Kbox, shopping, Makan, Hide-n-seek, the future is awesome :DD
klara: Yes, I'm currently grieving over the terrible failure, Klara the gansta ): Yes! I understand auf weidersehen. It's farewell! [:
&;BEN!: Yeah sure! Thanks for taggin! :D
shumin: YOYOYO. Are you that bored? LOL. Yep, very obvious. Oh btw, your toe is disgusting. I gonna delete tht picture you bluetoothed me soon ): Get well soon, toe!
yueling: Don't be lame luh (x Of course not you guys! [: Never will be
YY: Teenie Weenie Hitler. Ok I shan't be so evil with attacks anm (x They love me more, so they didn't tag! [:
Jiaying! ♥: Yeah, can't stand her too ): Like, one time is ok, but she's too guo fen alr.
taemeen:DDD: Yeah I miss you too! (Refer to above for evidence, LOL) Anw, how's the relationship with your friend? Getting better? Hopefully [: ILY!!!
Shichun: Haha, I feel so bad ):
rachel g: Haha yes, she was giving us that ok-maybe-they-ARE-crazy-after-all o.0 look, lol. I think we're too hyper. *Take a chill pill!* Oh, Ellentopia, Epitome of uh... SANITY!
jermaine: LOL, rachel g! Was your mom annoyed? LOL she was probably like "what is going on with them?!?!"
taemeen:DDD: Yeah I saw your blog [: Yes yes, next time can go iceskating and stuff. Oh and the two movies we promised to watch together! [: ♥ Can't wait. Loves :D
When hope is all that you're clinging on to, it can shred you into pieces when things don't turn out right.
Went JP with Taymin, Yixian, YingXuan, Gen, ShuinHern, Jiawei and Monk
Met Taymin dear and Jurong East MRT.
Wth, her handphone no batt DD: So I was walking around Popular like some retard (x
Then finally she tapped my shoulder and I got frightened -_-
Taemeennnn : Don't scare me like that ok! >:( LOL
So we trained to Boon Lay and bitched quite a little on the way there *把头压得低低的,装出一幅可怜样*
Ok then Yixian smsed me and said she arrived alr and was figuring out her way to JP, (x LOL
Then we arrived and met up with rest.
Lotsa people changed, I guess. But I don't have the right to criticise. 'cause if changing were a crime, I would be guilty as well.
Bought tickets for HSM3 [:
Movie was ok. The ending was a little screwed. Sorry brainwashed HSM fans ):
It was unexpected. & I was really blur that day, so I only understood the storyline halfway through.
Oh did I mention that JP Golden Village screens a hell lot of ads and trailers before the movie starts
Taymin and I were like complaining like !?!?!?! @#^&%&%
Ok maybe not that bad (x But the movie was suposed to start at 430.
Started at 445 instead.
Crap man.
After the movie my neck ached.
All of them went to Macs to eat. Taymin, Yixian and I didn't.
(as you can see from my wishlist, I haven't striked the "eat fast food once a month", which means it is NOT fulfilled, which means I must put in extra effort. I'm putting pressure on myself. Poopey Shit)
Ok then we went back to Macs and find them but they weren't there. So we loitered around (x
Went to Popular,
Yixian and I alighted at Bukit Batok, and waved goodbye to Taymin
Said bye to Yixian (though I'll still her in school, LOL) and went to west mall.
At first I just went there for nothing. I didn't wanna go home. I saw the mall in front of me, so I just went -_-
It was the type of feeling when you're didn't know what word you can use to describe it. That was how I felt. Like as if doing anything was fine. I wasn't sure why I was headed there.
In west mall, I saw breakdtalk, then went to buy bread for my parents (x
Bussed home after that. & when I reached home, my dad bought brownies. Waste my $4.20
So it wasn't really a brilliant idea to go west mall. But if I had headed straight to the bus interchange, walking without thinking, I would probably board the wrong bus and went on a tour around S'pore. Not a bad idea (:
So that was saturday :D A weird day :D
I finally finished NEWMOONNNNNNNN :D
Enning, it wsn't that boring ok! You told me I could have just skipped it
Haha, I'm glad I didn't (x
It wasn't as nice as Twilight, but it was nice :D Just a little draggy. With the whole Jacob being a werewolf and Edward leaving and danger and adrenaline... & stuff
Overall nice [:
Now, I'm on a mission to hunt down Eclipse, which can't be found anywhere, including borders ): Ask taymin
Oh presenting my spectacular list of holiday school-related stuff:
1. Chinese Compo
2. Chinese YingYongWen
3. Chinese SIA
4. Chinese LiZhiShu YueDu thing which I'm clueless about (...)
5. Rewrite LA EOYs Compo
6. 58 fun-to-do algebra questions :DDDDD
7. Go for dance every monday, wednesday, friday.
8. Choral and Drama Night rehearsals (Which Jiale is happily ponning tml! D:)
9. Choral and Drama Night. If I screw this,
Wish me luck for the C&D performance this thursday *Shudders*
*Feeling will trip once I step onto the stage -_-*
Ok to end off: Tag replies! *Rounda Applause, Standing Ovation!*
Shichun: My blog songs are all nice! *Egos* ;P
yixian: Linked dear!
CLARE: I missed ya loads tooooo! Though Liulaoshi PMS-ed yesterday DD:
jermaine: Haha blogskin (x Yep, it's scary
yueling: WANSUI WANSUI! (x Haha, Yueling the Queen. Yeah I know it was concentration game -_-
daniel :): Thanks!
rachel g: That was mt friend who found a pair of socks but it wasn't hers so she dumped them there -_-
YY: Kbox, shopping, Makan, Hide-n-seek, the future is awesome :DD
klara: Yes, I'm currently grieving over the terrible failure, Klara the gansta ): Yes! I understand auf weidersehen. It's farewell! [:
&;BEN!: Yeah sure! Thanks for taggin! :D
shumin: YOYOYO. Are you that bored? LOL. Yep, very obvious. Oh btw, your toe is disgusting. I gonna delete tht picture you bluetoothed me soon ): Get well soon, toe!
yueling: Don't be lame luh (x Of course not you guys! [: Never will be
YY: Teenie Weenie Hitler. Ok I shan't be so evil with attacks anm (x They love me more, so they didn't tag! [:
Jiaying! ♥: Yeah, can't stand her too ): Like, one time is ok, but she's too guo fen alr.
taemeen:DDD: Yeah I miss you too! (Refer to above for evidence, LOL) Anw, how's the relationship with your friend? Getting better? Hopefully [: ILY!!!
Shichun: Haha, I feel so bad ):
rachel g: Haha yes, she was giving us that ok-maybe-they-ARE-crazy-after-all o.0 look, lol. I think we're too hyper. *Take a chill pill!* Oh, Ellentopia, Epitome of uh... SANITY!
jermaine: LOL, rachel g! Was your mom annoyed? LOL she was probably like "what is going on with them?!?!"
taemeen:DDD: Yeah I saw your blog [: Yes yes, next time can go iceskating and stuff. Oh and the two movies we promised to watch together! [: ♥ Can't wait. Loves :D
When hope is all that you're clinging on to, it can shred you into pieces when things don't turn out right.
7:20 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tagged by Yixian ♥
The Letter Meme RULES:
Do the "Letter MEME".
Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a comment, informing them that they have been tagged. Then copy the "How-to" Letter Meme, and finish your journal entry.
How you do the Letter Meme:
Dear (the last person who left a comment on your journal):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .
-Your name-
1.What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kabob - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family
Dear Jiaying (Don't kill me):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but your nostrils are insulting. I think I realized it first of May with George Bush and his wife, and I saw you carve your initials into Bill Clinton. I'm sure you're ashmed enough to understand that Extreme Home Makeover sucks. I'm returning your memories from the military service to you, but I'll keep your neighbour Martin as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about a new life as a clone.
Go drown yourself,
I hope nobody hates me after this (x
The Letter Meme RULES:
Do the "Letter MEME".
Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a comment, informing them that they have been tagged. Then copy the "How-to" Letter Meme, and finish your journal entry.
How you do the Letter Meme:
Dear (the last person who left a comment on your journal):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .
-Your name-
1.What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kabob - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family
Dear Jiaying (Don't kill me):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but your nostrils are insulting. I think I realized it first of May with George Bush and his wife, and I saw you carve your initials into Bill Clinton. I'm sure you're ashmed enough to understand that Extreme Home Makeover sucks. I'm returning your memories from the military service to you, but I'll keep your neighbour Martin as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about a new life as a clone.
Go drown yourself,
I hope nobody hates me after this (x