Happy new year everyone! :D
So quite a lot of things happened this week:
1. Monday - Dance from 9-12 and NYMD RETRO/DISCO PARTY (it rocked)
2. Tuesday - Rehearsal for Apologise
3. Wednesday - New year eve with friends (:
Ok updates on my life -.-
1. I just go contacts like this tuesday (x
2. I may be returning to ballet or learning contemporary/jazz ballet...
3. I just made my new year resolutions yay...
So 2009 is gonna be a good year, I can feel it :D
My resolutions (mostly related to dance):
1. Left split no pain at all
2. Easily right split
3. Easily centre split (I want this really badly)
4. Syf GwH
5. Selected for SYF (selection tmr O:) (I want this reallyreallyreally badly)
6. Easily bridge
7. Grow longer hair (ok what the hell this is a lame resolution)
8. Not let my eyesight worsen!
9. Improve handwriting, lol.
10. Attend dance classes (This is not really something I've gotta work for, unless there's auditions and stuff)
11. Maintain studies
12. MSG improve
13. Chinese improve
14. Get into triple sciences. Wow -.-
15. Be nice and not have a single friendship problem
16. Avoid unhealthy stuff like drinking too much bubbletea and NC16 stuff , hahah -.-
Ok I feel damn mug ._.
Anw, gonna update on the nymd party and rehearsal after I've uploaded the photos/videos (:
Once again happy new year and may all your dreams come true :D
Bwahahah, I get to bully juniors :D
I hope quizzes make me feel better.
Stolen from Hilary (Ho)'s blog (:
You have fights with gymnasts about who works harder.
I don't see the point in fighting for stuff like that. & I'M NICE.
You have blisters on your feet for life.
Well, yeah. Not since I was born though. Since this year. They've never disappeared. So my foot always looks rotten ): Bleh.
No, I'm not an attention seeker. I like cracking my toes :D & that freaks some people out. 'cause it sounds 'ouch'-ie
You dance down the hallway instead of walk.
Not when the hallway is full of non-dancers.
Naw. Health is the most important, right? (:
You do plies and tendus while waiting in line.
Nah. I don't want people thinking I'm having a spasm.
You do grande jetes in the parking lot and down the streets.
I mark (:
Your friends ask you to over split "just for fun!".
Huh. My over split is 181 degrees wide.
You know more French than English.
I can't even survive French class without falling asleep.
This is a stupid question.
I'm not that evil.
You stand en Pointe in your shoes when talking to friends.
Nah that'll harm your feet, according to my ballet teacher. I wonder what happened to liulaoshi's feet. They look... dead.
You bend over to pick up something and your leg shoots up to a 180* angle.
You get disgusted when you see cheerleaders for many reasons.
Nope. I think they're cute, hahah.
All the boys at school are afraid of you because you can kick so high.
I don't go around kicking people unnecessarily, thankyouverymuch.
No. I know my nouns well.
When you go to get your hair cut you tell them to cut it long enough to be able to put it in a bun.
Yeah, before I quit ballet.
You always stand in first or fifth.
When your friends at school ask how your day/weekend was you tell them about what happened at dance/rehearsal.
Most of the time, lol.
You find bobby pins in the weirdest places - the kitchen, the shower drain, your shoes.
You forgot what your dance friends look like with "real" clothes.
UH NO !!!
Yep, unless the hallway is filled with non-dancers.
You think I spilt while listening to the teacher in class?
You penchee to pick something up that you dropped and then staying there trying to get your leg up higher.
LOL, no.
one more thing-
Can you believe this is me ._. I look so cool. Hahahah.
Ok tmr's christmas eve, hope everyone has a great time! (:
Love, ellen.
Sigh, I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally wanna get into syf. I don't care if I have to suffer through 500 blueblacks or blisters or friction burns or whatever. I don't care if there's practise every recess or lunch break/if Liulaoshi scolds us like shit(though she's nice). I don't care if I have to give up my hair (seriously). I just wanna perform and get that GwH, or even Gold. Please.
Anw, for those who don't know, dancers in syf must have the same hair style. & it's not really one that I like but I don't mind.
Ok, I'm back in s'pore now (: Plane landed this morning ._. It's monday btw. Slept for around 5hrs and woke up for dance. THANK GOD I went today. ThankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouTHANKYOU. If I didn't go today, I would be DEAD. Learnt the audition (for syf) dance today, it's nice but I'm not sure if I can do it well. Audition is around school reopen. There's dance on the first day of school, so I think it's most likely during that lesson. 2 weeks to perfect those steps, aaaahhhh. Gonna dance my butt off at home, even if the floor in my house sucks and there's limited space.
Syf, please.
♥ ,
Yep, still here in china
(for those of you who don't know, I'm here visiting relatives)
Anw, the weather here is GAHHLOJOJDEOM - ly pissing me off. Firstly, the air is quite -no- very polluted. My face is in a darker shade ._. Secondly, IT'S DAMN COLD. I'm gonna come back as an ice cube T.T I'm currently wearing - long pants, jeans, shirt, sweater, sweater, jacket, socks & socks -.- (& yes, undergarment)
Oh yes, my hair looks like a haystack 'cause it's super dry here (everyday gotta put pamelo-flavoured lip balm, ugh)
I haven't replied tags for like a month *bows down head in guilt*. One fine day when I've got really nothing to do, when couting imaginery sheep seems interesting, I'll reply them :\
I'll be nice and reply just one (:
passer: The name of the song is under my profile - River flows in you by Yiruma :D
Ok, visiting relatives was fine, quite funny (: They're quite cute and lovable, hahahah.
There were some relatives I never knew existed (bad girl)
The last time I came here (I'm in wuhan btw) was 11 years ago.
Anw, I'm quite confused with all the names.
I've got dunno how many waigong and dunno how many waipos. & then dunno how many uncles. & dunno how many aunties. Mainly because my da4 waigongs has many siblings. I've got an uncle that's 11 years old. WTF. The world is so unfair. I've gotta call a little boy uncle D':
(He's my granddad's brother's wife's brother's son. Go figure out the generation yourself)
& then I've got a cousin who's super cute :D My granddad's brother's son's son. He dances really well and thinks he's a latin dancer. But he's 60 kg and 7 years younger than me O_O
Ok since it's winter here, the shops all sell winter clothes, sigh. There's nothing much to shop except keychains and bags which I can't possibly bring back. & the bags at zinc are cheaper, lol. (ok wtheck, I can hear my uncle's snoring from his room ._.) Bought some small gifts for my lovables! :D
The food here is super nice! Who cares what it's called, it deeee-leeee-ceeee-ous.
Ok whatever, but it's really yummy :D I've been STUFFING (Uh oh) myself with food recently. So is it me or does my jeans not fit me anymore... Sigh, gotta jian fei when I get back. Curse the talented cooks and food-inventors D<
That's about it, pictures when I'm back, promise :D
Hey, thanks everyone who wished me yilushunfeng/bon voyage/have fun/blah !
I'm returning tmr (sunday) at 11pm, and monday's dance YAY. (:
One more thingum:
Off the stand by the heater,
see ya' after 21st dec~

He's much cuter when he was a puppy though...
Went out with Taymin and Yiern on monday to jp (: We wanted to watch bh chihuahua but ended up watching Four Christmases ._. It was funny, lol. We exchanged presents and had lunch together at kfc (oh no). Later on Yiern and I trained to bukit batok and went bukit timah plaza to visit mrs cheong. Omfg, I so freakin' miss ballet. Mrs C. said, "I'm still waiting for the day you'll say 'I'm coming back to ballet'." I'm never going back, sigh ): Good thing i'm still dancing in school. But it's not ballet, you see...
We went to watch Liulaoshi's technical class at frontier danceland (Bugis). Wth, I'm so demoralised ._. The dancers are so pro la ._. Liulaoshi made us watch the lesson so that it can spur us ._. 'Kai qiao' Ok nvm. I still need retro/disco clothes for the CCA x'mas BBQ (x Any suggestions? Tmr is dance again. All the best sec1 and 2s for evaluation! Hope we all get chosen ok! (:
Stupid ankle costed me an outing with 102 >( ...
w/♥, ellen
I would give everything I have to be as pro as the girl in the vid :\
Dance today was quite slack but still super tired. Ystd had dance so we were totally dead. Stretching was painful as ever, ugh. Did back rolls and a routine we didn't touch for weeks. Anw, laoshi was nice today (:
More about my outing with klara jiale, taymin and yiern tomoro (:
Thank you -
jiale - for being so bubbly all the time, being crazy over twilight with me and being the great friend you are :D Hahah. Your mummy is proud (:
klara - one of the nicest, most helpful, funny, lame -.-, understanding friend I've ever had. THANK YOU!
shuyi - Absobloodylutely nice (: Let me copy homework. LOL, awesome ex-tablemate :D Miss sitting next to you (:
yueling - Hahah, ninja !!! You're such a wonderful tablemate! Will miss laughing with you about pathetic stuff such as methane gas and lingan's soundless laughter, HAHAH (:
shumin - thanks for sending me the picture of your rotting toe -.- Hahah, I'll forever remember you're sneezing and laughing and chpimunk like face. Hahah. Thanks for being awesome.
lingan - for your silent laughter, hahah. And your craziness and smile-until-cannot-see-your-eyes. Anw, next year's our 5th year in the same class, lol.
hilary,iffera,regine - friendliness all the way :D & joy!
yanying,shichun,wanli,jiaying - lol, craziness, funniness O_O, super niceness and enthuness ((:
The entire 102 (:
chermaine,clare,shiyun,haoqing,cheryl,karyan,yuxin,hilary,rachel, jielin,joanne,veena,jermaine,joy,xinyi
For being possibly definitely the BEST batch in history :D
Randomness, retardedness, awesomeness, craziness, love you all !!!
The entire NYMD (:
& of course, enning :D For your hyperness and friendliness (:
& not to forget taymin,yiern,anna,yixian,shiyun :D Will always love you guys aeroplaneloads♥
I'll definitely miss sec1 life ):