12:34 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I'm not sorry
say something! (0)
No matter what you say, what you do
I'm not sorrry :D
I'm not I'm not I'm not, shyt why do i feel like I am.

Ok got my schedule for friday:
1. CNY celebration in the morning
2. Dance from 1130-1330
3. TLL from 5-7

& like what? The bbq got cancelled, and that was the only thing I could go for.
I really don't know about this damn gathering anymore & i don't think i care.

Today was an okay day.
Had music and we sang the entire song to the soundtrack, sounded nice :D But a little soft that's all. Then we did compre for chinese T-T copied many answers lol. PE was fun. I suddenly like netball leh. Followed my drama, freakin tired, stand for the entire lesson. Geography was confused and LA was just... typical.

Dance ystd was ok (: We 'perfected' the first part of the syf dance. Wheeee!~

Ok that's all :D
Only got a whole pile of homework left yay._.


Lost and insecure
You found me, you found me
Lying on the floor
Surrounded, surrounded
Why'd you have to wait?
Where were you? Where were you?
Just a little late
You found me, you found me