6:43 AM
Friday, January 2, 2009
Sec 2 Day 1 :D D:
say something! (0)
Sec1s are huge T-T
They look like Sec2/3s ):

I'm gonna get big juniors ):
Oh man ):
Demoralised ):

Ok, that was random but really, the sec1s this year are really... OMGWTF.
Anw first day of uh :D O: :D O: :D O:
LOL, it was ok :D
Amy is our form teacher ._. Yippee...
Today during assembly, went she came to our class, we were crying and laughing. T_T Ms Sabrina is our co-form, phew (?).

Ok then all the same ol' welcome messages then what crap we must be role models now ._. Ok, was excited to see 202 ♥ (not 102 le, hahahah). Chatted a lot with them and kept smiling like a retard. Yeah but I realised I don't think I'll ever get used to the whole sec2 thing - 202 classroom etc. Miss 102 classroom, it seems nicer (x

Currently sitting beside iffera & lingan, behind yueling and shumin, near jiale, shuyi, klara, yanying, hilary and sandra. All the lovable people (: LOL, jiaying and shichun so guai hor? (x sit first row lol. Oh yes, I'm not the IT rep anymore! (: !!! (hip hip hurrah) No more and poking projectors with brooms and byebye to crashed computers. Jiayou cheryl darling :D

202's sitting arrangement in audi changed :D Now on the 2nd level and right at the back, shiok hahahah. But then the speaker will keep asking to sit properly -.- Oh changes to timetable! :DDDD School ends at 1.45 on certain days. Thank you NY lol ._.

Ok then everytime go up from auditorium/canteen will climb automatically to 4th floor, then realise oops shit we're not sec1s anymore D': *sentimental* Ok I went to vandalise the 102 whiteboard hahahah JOIN NYMD (before it's too late to apologise :D) Was happy 'cause the juniors (phpps) I saw recognised me, hahah then they wave to me, I whole day very high lah -.- Yay, at least I go back so many to peihwa they remember me and my wise words

Dance after school was nice :D Stretched a lot and zi-highed like shit. hahah *egos*. Ok, during the rehearsal on stage, joy and I screwed it up ): We got a new position in our formation and ended up running to the old one, damn D': Then the formation like crap, some weird shape ): Later went TLL with gan and jerm.

Looking forward to getting mortals and nymd juniors hahahahah (: (Oh saw my angel today but she never see me D:) Oh yeah, have a good feeling about Apologise and sec1 orientation :D Watch out for NYMD (:

