Stupid blockheads.
& I'm just totally lost in physics ._.
Fruitful morning :D
Had dance at 830 in the quadrangle, and although it was the most painful dance lesson ever, we were efficient. But anw, I'm still gonna say i'm gonna get a heat stroke from dancing in the sun ._.
Bruise count: 12
Friction burn count: 4
Salonpas-needed area count: 4 (including my butt which aches like hell D:)
So as you can see, I needa sleep in a super awkward position and that sucks.
Oh well, at least the SYF DANCE IS COMPLETE. ahahha, I still haven't gotten over that fact yet.
♥, ellen
Holidays are gone ):
I still haven't gotten the photos yet, but nevermind. Who's know when I can post again.
Day 2 - After dismissal
Hilary, Regine, Jiale and I stayed back to make the water on the floor evaporate, so that our dear classmates wouldn't get a cold :D

Day 3 - Residential Day 1
My Dad fetched wanli and I to school. When we arrived the classroom door was still locked -_- When the door finally opened, Shichun chionged in like a wild pig and sat at the back of the classroom, like 'PIAK', and started giggling crazily. Lol! & she left her bag outside ._. I so totally wanted to laugh out loud kay! xD In the end I chope here chope there, decided to sleep in the middle of the classroom -_- Wait for damn long jiale, klara and shuyi then arrived. I looked so pathetic sitting in the middle of the classroom.
I can't remembered what happened next, should be some lame briefing by Teacher A :D Painted the garbage bag for my station during the night trail. The garbage bag looked damn bloody and gross lah. Oh yeah, 202 got a tin of biscuit again! Ate a lot and felt super guilty later. Hialry jiale yanying and I started splitting all of a sudden. QiuHao joined in too ahaha. So shiok to stretch :D

Hilary saws it looks like some kinda fault line & I agree.
Oh yeah there's a fault line in our class which LingAn discovered. Look closely at the classroom floor, at Hilary's back leg :D It goes from one end of the class to another.
Note: One day LingAn was playing with her eraser and it cracked, it was during geog. So she went "Oh look! The amazing fault line" What the shit lingan lah xD
Then next was travelling to CHINESE GARDEN. Then it was arriving at CHINESE GARDEN. (202 was singing ppg and barney songs all the way there, they're completely stuck in my head just like mirotic dbsk D<)
At chinese garden was the Amazing Race
Yep, our class was divided into 2 groups. The Amazing Race was generally fun. There was a station where we had to transport tennis balls using our heads. Jiale and I sucked at it, never even step yet, the tennis ball drops. We ended up laughing our tail off instead of playing the game ._.
Oh yeah, then we were asked to write the words "LOVE NYGH" with our BUTTS -_- So damn malu but quite hilarious. Lol! We got bonus points for that. (Imagine a line of 30 girls with their butts facing you, swaying them here and there xD)
We started taking jump shots when waiting for the bus to come.
This is the only so-called successful one, and not everyone is high up in the air.
See if you can spot me :D
(YES YES I know I'm the spactic one right up there in the air with her fringe flying all over the place -_-)
Hilary and Shuyi looked conjoined in there xD Bwahahahah!
Regine, cheryl and LingAn look almost identical, 'cause of the hair, hahah!
Oh yeah, & class shot at chinese garden :D
Back at school, had lunch & drama preparation (: & also some household management workshop, which was lame and boring... But the acting was quite well.
202 and 205 got to have their bath and dinner early so we could get ready for the Night Trail, yay!
Fooling Around
After dinner, we went to carry tables from 101 and 102 to the conference room. Carry until I wanna die arh, my hands were like breaking. I was sweating like a pig. So yeah, the first day bathe also no use.
We went to the hall for a short briefing, then went to set up our stations :D
Worked with Cheryl Choo and Yeeteng from 205, Michelle from 202, nice people :D Yeeteng was trying to be scary with her hair and torch stuff, but ended up laughing. Cheryl Choo was Alan Smith (prime suspect of the murder). Yep (: Our station was at science block classroom (the science block is so-called haunted -_-) The classroom was totally dark and our props were cool:
1. The table with a bloody garbage on it (okay nothing much scary, but the sound it makes seriously sucks lah...)
2. A garbage bag tape to one of the fans, which looks like a dead body when you off the lights and it sways gently O_O
I was the taping the garbage bag onto the fun while standing on the chair and table. THEN TEACHER A CAME and started talking about how dangerous it was and if the fan suddenly on-ed, my head would get chopped off.... BLAH BLAH BLAH -_- Please lah, why would the fan suddenly on if nobody goes near it, DAMN
3. Last prop was Yeeteng's sleeping bag. We stuffed some small bags in it, so it looked like a corpse, lol! & we taped a red scissors to the 'neck' part. During the night trail itself, Michelle was standing next to the 'dead body' which her hair over her face. Yeah so it looks like she was cutting up the body or something *eeyur shudders*. Will upload the classroom setting when I FIND MY USB CABLE ):
The 4 of us were actually spooked out by our own station -_- So we decided to on the lights until yanying called and told us that the classes were ready.
Ok then the classes were dismissed from the hall and BOOM the Night Trail began (: We heard people scream from all parts of the school. Super scary lah. & I was sweating like a pig again 'cause of the stupid hoodie. Heh.
Mr. Kuo came to our station tot ake pictures. Apparently, the classes got scared by the camera flash -_- 209 was super funny, I think two people got sent to the sick bay by our station ): Oh well...
Overall my station was a success, 0 bottlenecks yay! After packing up, went back to the hall from debrief. 201 allies got 2nd for the entire thing, Yay!
After night trail :D
& also the entire night trail was success, thanks to the months of hardwork and effort put in by our I/Cs - LingAn, YanYing, Cherie, Lingting and Liyi !!! <3 style="font-size:78%;">Oh yeah my shoe sole came off D< & Mdm Oehlers was laughing at me in that "oh my goodness ellen you do such funny things" way Then Ms. Ye came to scold us for not sleeping after lights out, then she saw Mdm. Oehlers there and was super paiseh, Lol! That's Day 1 :D
Day 4 - Residential Day 2
I got woken up in the morning BY HILARY'S MIROTIC RINGTONE WHAT THE HELL HILARY! Ahhhhh. Lol! What a way to start the day - listening to mirotic -_- (which is a song I DO NOT LIKE)
After washing up was flag-raising and warm-ups by Mr Lim Chow Hoon, hilarious. I was wearing slippers throughout the whole thing since myshoe sole came off, like wtheck...
Breakfast was okay, milo and brownies. My parents came for the breakfast with parents thingum. So did Nat's mum :D She was asking me "hey how was the night trail yesterday? Did you get frightened?" And nat when "O_O She was the in the organising class, she's the one who made it scary." Nat's mum was like *tsk tsk naughty naughty!*
Okay, then we crapped and talked a lot. Our parents left, & we went back to class
Played some game I'm not sure what it's called. Using thumbs to play de. Anw, I had to do penalty 'cause I lost - chicken dance in front of the whole class ahahahah!
But that wasn't the worst penalty. Wanli had to run around the whole 3rd floor shouting "I'm the king of the jungle" into every classroom. The 205 people were totally o.0 Yep, Cheryl had to run the entire 2nd floor shouting "I'm KINGKONG!" Hilarious! :D
Next was Telematch. Played this game called WHERE ARE YOU. We were all blindfolded and we were supposed to find each other by saying 'oink oink' Lol! I could hear LingAn Oinking from the other end of the field. The next half of our class was supposed to say 'bear bear', but ended up saying 'bah bah' xD Xinyi was damn cute 'cause she couldn't find the rest of 202. & sandra got stuck among all the 207 people.
Hsiu Yee took our class for the next game -obstacle course, yep. We were supposed to transport rubber bands using straws, then go over chairs and under tables, holding hands all the time. Then we used paper to transport marbles from on end of the line to the other. WE TRANSPORTED 284 MARBLES :D 202 won the obstacle course (:
During our break, wulaoshi came to find us. We were just joking with her to buy us ice-cream but she really bought it in the end! Omfg, we all felt so guilty. Then they told me to pay her back next week from the class fund & I said yes. But instead we decided to stick all the ice-cream sticks together to form something and give it to her. It's the though that counts. We;re probably gonna present it to her someday, and shout "吴老师,我们爱你" from the quadrangle someday :D Wulaoshi is so super nice.
Next game was supposed to be water gaga, but the lightning warning system went off so it was totally cancelled.
Went back to class for some rest, I almost fell alseep, lol! Then it was lunch, didn't like the food ):
Leadership games!
The obstacle course was nice :D The whole class was to form a line and everyone will be blindfolded except for 6 :D I was the un-blindfolded one, yay. Then we were supposed to lead the whole class through. Somehow, my head always ended up in the butt of the person before me D<
Next game was slipper wars. I HATED IT. I mean it's fun and stuff but super dangerous. We ran bare footed on the basketball court & that's dangerous. Mr. Kuo was at the side and he was like "I didn't know you could run that fast" I wasn't even running -_- We were supposed to snatch slippers from our opponent (201) Lost in the end lol. But nevermind, it was okay lah, playing with friends. I didn't like it 'cause it was super violent. I got completely wet lah. Some 211 person game up to me from behind and poured and BUCKET of water onto me -_- I went screaming like
Yeah quite kua zhang I know xD
LingAn was so wet, her hair was flattened. & she looked like she bathe, forgetting to take off her clothes
Went to conference room B & C for the next game, some charade and prop thing. Surprisingly, the rooms didn't smell like rotten carpet :D I was freezing to death 'cause of the wet tee. Charade was super funny, cheryl is prooooooooooooo (:
After that was the pouring water game. We were supposed to sit in a circle, closing our eyes. & the person in front has to pur water into our mouths (they're eyes are closed) & another person will direct. I got wet again -_-
When the 209 asked who didn't want to get wet, I was practically jumping up and down shouting "ME ME ME". Wanli and Lingan super funny lah! Lingan kept pouring in the wrong direction, almost the whole bottle of water landing on wanli's lap or something xD
So it was like:
*LingAn tilts bottle more*
Wanli: oi!
*LingAn tilts bottle more*
Wanli: OI!
*LingAn tilts bottle more*
Wanli: OI!
Hilarious xD (My goodness, I'm typing so many 'hilarious's)
This is how my nose got washed...
Yeap, then we proceeded to the hall for debrief and to help the sec1 arrange the chairs for talent time :D Followed by bathing and dinner. Shuyi and I secretly sneaked to the sec1 toilets to bathe, lol! Heng never get caught. The sec1 were somewhere in mt faber, so yeah xD Dinner was okay I guess.
uh huh, THEN MY SLIPPER BROKE -_- So in the end I had to wear shuyi extra slipper.... Sigh.
No shoe no slipper. 倒霉like shit lah...
After dinnner was MOVIE :D Watched School of Rock, which was funny. 203 scared us by saying they were gonna screen GHANDI. MY GOODNESS, WHEN THEY SAID THAT, MY HEART ALMOST STOPPED BEATING LAH... School of Rock is nice (:
After the movie was some discussion which I found quite useless. Practically half the class was dozing off, including me... Supper than lights out :D Fell alseep listening to some chatters, lol. I slept like a pig that night.
Day 5 - Residential Day 3, Last day
Was woken up my yanying shouting "6.20 already 6.20 already!" Lol!. I got so shocked, cause the previous night, I woke up 30minutes before the actual time. & that morning I was woke up 5 minutes before O_O Okay i think i'm confusing you.
Anw, wore slippers down to flag raising again (which is against the school rule btw). NZQ for 30minutes. My goodness. What a way to start a day.
Note to self: NZQ in the morning can kill
Breakfast was milo, curry puff and some other thing I forgot....
Followed by DRAMA! (: Auditorium rocks, lol. I played the role of a super toot scientist (pants pull high high de) in 202's skit. We didn't win anything but still we had fun :D
Prize Presentation - Night Trail Most Creative Game :D !!!
After packing up the classroom and arranging the tables, we took class shots :D
Why am I like hiding behind Shenlin in this photo? o.0
Okay I'm seriously to lazy to post about Hilary's mini birthday celebration after break camp. It was a surprise by the way. Copy and pasting from hilary's blog :D
and regine led me to the canteen and people like yanying, ellen and jiaying were giving me this really suspicious look in the canteen. and for a split second i taught they were going to smash the cake to my face, like what dbsk and suju did to yunho in bangkok sm town live. baha but they didn't. fortunately.oh so like there were regine, yueling, shumin, ling an, ellen, yanying, wanli, jiaying, shichun and zhuhong. hmm did i miss out anyone?? yah and there was this chocolate cake in the middle of the table and everyone started shouting 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY HILARY!!!' haha and i kinda cried, cause of being very touched. cause like this is the first time in my live having this kind of 'treatment'.the cake yueling made is really delicious!! really!! oh and i just realised that i didn't take photo of the cake! hmph. how forgetful of me. hopefully someone did. THANKS YUELING FOR MAKING THAT DELICIOUS CAKE!! haha there was even korean words icing saying dong bang shin ki saranghae!!! :D
In the end, bussed home with Wanli and Lingan :D Hilarious :D (xD)
That's all :D
202 :D
x100000000000 better than last year's :D
♥, ellen
P/S Credits to Hilary and Yanying for the photos :D
Oh, here's a video Mrs. Tan showed us. She's our camp mentor and she's nice.
Super hilarious and retarded!
Lol. ;D
P/S This is not the official residential camp post
P/P/S Yesterday night I was reading Iffera's blog and I laughed myself to sleep xD Shall copy and paste some stuff over in the next post :D
That's a really lame thing to say after 35 days of having a dead blog.
Isn't that really duh?
A month, lotsa things happened. And not only to me but everyone around me.
I just wish life had a little more ups than downs.
February was probably the worst month of my life, I could barely open my eyes in class. Spilled coffee on my uniform during mornings. Sleeping at 3am. Stoning at the ceiling for 2 hours. Getting up to pee 7 times at night (that wasn't meant to be funny), that's life.
But I guess the worst thing was school and syf.
For school, my studies are like shit now. That's all I'm saying 'cause I'm so sick of deadlines.
I'm so sick of being the good student who could hand in her homework on time. I'm so sick of being the good student who never failed any quizzes or assignments.
Nymd syf, i'm really not sure.
This wednesday, the sec2 netballers went through a lot. That morning during assembly, the first day of camp, I couldn't even look at them as I would start crying too. I won't elaborate much on what happened. It was then I remembered a dream I had, which I had ignorantly threw to the back of my mind. It was a nightmare, and not those kind which ghosts appear in or there was a lot of bloodshed or whatever crap. It was the kind of nightmare that would make your heart ache from disappointment. I'm not going into details, but that dream wasn't good at all.
It was the kind of sadness that just took all the emotions out from someone, making you an empty shell. That was probably the worst dream of my life.
There's only 5 weeks left to syf, and we're not exactly doing anything about it. I'm one of them to blame. "We're gonna work hard", these are words easy to say but difficult to accomplish. I don't want a nightmare to come true. Ellen, promise yourself to work hard.
This is the chance to prove that we CAN maintain a gold with honours.
This is the chance to make our seniors proud of us.
This is the chance, treasure it, work for it :D
Ok & then there's friendship. 202 and NYMD have been awesome now :D There for your support and fun to be with. But there would always be problems, but I shan't allow those troubles to affect my mood :D
--- can you please be a little more understanding, a little less sensitive. & stop jumping to conclusions.
This was the first day an non residential. We didn't do much. Had our camp project dry run :D (Night Trail) I'm not sure but it went okay I guess. Had a feedback session and we raised our problems. Apparently the clues were wrong so no group came to our station xD
We did NZQ -_- I seriously can't stand it. But Hilary looked cool on the podium, hahahah xD
We had some personality assessment workshop. The guy was quite funny, less boring than I expected. I was quite interested to find out who I am anyway :D So we all did this personality quiz thingumag and plotted graphs (so sophisticated, lol). It was pretty accurate. I was a High "I" person. Meaning - Inspiring and Influential (and also Irritating but well nvm :D) Shuyi kept doing some puking action, bish her lah (x & I have the personality of an advisor. Lol! I kept yelling "I'm gonna Oprah Winfrey!" Jiale and Shuyi gave me that -_- look.
Later we rearranged out tables and chairs to make space for sleeping during residential LSC. Jiale, Regine, Hilary and I stayed back to mop the floor (just like last year, memories ;D) Anw Wulaoshi was really nice! She was trying to spread out the water so that it would evaporate quickly and the floor wouldn't be cold and we wouldn't get a flu.... (or something like that) Klara and I tried snatching the mop from her. LIKE HELLO, SHE'S 40/50 + ALREADY. We felt so freaking guilty, but she kept insisting on mopping the floor. Ms Ye told us off D< Like wth. In the end, I successfully convinced her to pass the mop to me :D Then Jiale and I were playing Cinderella, with Jiale being the step sister. Chasing me around the classroom with a 'whip', I was holding the mop in my hands trying to defend myself xD Ok, lame. I'll post the pictures after I get them. Jiale slipped and feel BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Will post about the residential camp (wednesday to friday) AFTER I FIND MY STUPID USB CABLE.
My typing seriously sucks big time. I took 30 minutes to type this post, 'cause I've no typed since wednesday -_-
Oh yes, before I forget
Lol, always remember "mamamama ohtohtohtohtoh" :DDDD
Love you <3
& also happy birthday to all march babes! Iffie's birthday is next next week!