6:33 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
say something! (0)
ok..im lyk doing this useless thing-posting

coz there's will probably be 0 ppl reading this coz my blog is lyk damn outdated and long forgotten..whutever..juz posting coz im dying from boredom [dun expect a lot of ppl to read this]

i promised you i''ll tell u bout the 2nd meet up shuin hern's hse right? ok, here goes

so i went to shuin hern's hse and i had quite a hard time finding his hse although i just went like 7 dayz ago[tt was with anna so she did all the hse searching..heez]. then i saw jia wei's sandals and knew he was the only one there. so i went in and we watch fairly odd parents..well, they watched. shuinhern and jia wei started toking bout runescape..so iwas lyk damn bored. i smsed a few ppl to call for help {p.s. i was only girl THEN} but none of them replied so i was pissed, jkjjk:) then anna finalae came!! yeah!! but we were still lyk bored coz the boys were fighting over the com and boasting bout their runescape skills(bleah). So anna and i went down to the playground, sit there and re;ax as if we on the beach or sumthing, and anna knocked her head on the playground roof{p.s. if you play at the playground in shuinhern's condo, there's no doubt you'll knock your head. NO DOUBT!! somehow you will!! WILL}. After a bit more relaxation , we went up and found out no one came since we went coz onli jia wei and shuin hern were there, duhT_T.. Shuin kang took out his model building thingy and we decided to do it for him coz we were lyk rotting..dotz. then liang zhi came, and i tell you, it was a really terrible sight to see his shirt tucked in his shorts again.. Doesn't he know he's humiliating himself? lols.. men, pity tt guy, suffering from embarrassment all along and doesn't even know.. hahas, Naah.. then weiyang can, and i snatched the com away coz i was yearning badly to play it..ok, mayb not snatch..more lyk pleaded..hahas, nvm. then weiyang came while i was playing audi..then followed by clement & victoria. so we practised for like 2 times before we got back to our own stuff e.g. boys-com, gals-model building. then the boys went down to play..whutever, i dunno. later, when the came up, we, the gals=.=, went down to play badminton(and i was praying tt anna wouldn't break her shoe lyk last week coz she was wearing the same shoe but her mom mended it, and my praying paid off. so..phew!). then we got bored and went back up and model building again. [and the boys were playing com] and liang zhi was sticking his b*tt out so badly tt i want to tell him off, but didn't, duh. shuin hern finally decided to order pizza after so much pleading. so the pizza came and we ate like..like..well, any hungry thing you could think of. while, we ate pizza, we played and had pillow fight!! YEAH!! and the gals were good at it.. Lols. and while i was pizza, a pillow hit me and the pillow got stained and i couldn't stand the thought of eating a pillow-furred pizza so i threw the CONTAMINATED pizza away.. then we had pillow fight for quite long and shuin kang was on my side coz we helped him wif the model.. then one by one, they left [btw, liang zhi left coz he has to go night safari!! omg..] so anna, shuin hern, jia wei and i played defend your castle and it was quite disgusting coz we were supposed to throw the stickman high in the air and drop them so they die. heez. and jia wei was a show-off the whole time. when we played classroom, he kept saying " so easy larh"..etc. i was so annoyed i wanted to kick him.. Lols. so anna and i left and my dad fetched anna home.. ok tts all

P.S. the meet up was from 1-6pm and we rehearsed onli twice.. yup, we're time-wasters..hahas