2:10 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
say something! (0)
heys! i know my blog is like so totally outdated and DEAD .. so here i am..trying to entertain whoever is out there (snoring or yawning).. and i know this sucks..

no off..but i think the ndp was.. lame.. yeah! LAME!! i think i fell asleep but..whatever

on wednesday, i tihnk i humiliated myself.. HUMILIATIONATION!!
ch6 had to go up on stage.. not exactly stage, to sing. WHAT a PLIGHT
mayb it wasn't a plight to some, like.. those who <3 to sing (e.g. *********)
but it was a nightmare.. cos some p6s were jeering and asking stupid qns when we were singing
and i had a soar sore throat.. so..
long story short, i'll probably cry if we have to perform again (which we are, and the thought of it is already making me teary T_T)

i don't really have anything else to type bout.. craps..

What Ellen Zeng Means

E is for Earthy

L is for Liberal

L is for Lovable

E is for Earnest

N is for Natural

Z is for Zappy

E is for Elegant

N is for Naughty

G is for Glorious

What Does Your Name Mean?

ok, note to self, i so totally do not agree with the junk above.
like i said, i ran out of things to type so.. heehee..
and for your info, i DONT wanna be glorious or lovable or whatever crap.. it makes me sound like an outdated creep.. but i AM notty! yay! :D

Errrr.. anyone know's what is zappy?