1:21 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
say something! (0)
heyx.you think i should change my skin? naw..


OMG! played 2hrs of audi. still never lvl up. i'm currently novice. i know.. i'm totally pathetic pathetic PATHETIC! at least i better than some ppl. hee-^^

today when to SAM, s'pore art musuem. partnered yi ern. weely not partner cos tm never cum. waahs. she going korea liao. gonna miss her -sobs.

anyway, got lots of art pieces and they were all.. dunnoehowtosayish. LAWL. but some where kinda.. err.. gross? NVM.

got my autograph book back from jolene (beans) today. her autograph so nice k? so is val's and everyone's exceppt mine. muhahahahahha

lame. bored. cry.

i wanna go ice-skating wif ALMOST the whole class. den can take neoprints marh. but must waiit for tm come back^^
TM:come back soon. den can play horh!(:LOL
to ch6ers: happy-being-ch6.
and our class blog is like so damn dead. post lehx. YAY;)
