1:14 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008

i think i had an emotional breakdown this week
yeah this week sucked alot.
i'm pissed at the moment
so on monday i had a bike accident
and you're thinking BIG DEAL
ok. so.. i'm "the girl with scratches everywhere".
that'll make an interesting visual image huh?
maybe it's not that bad
but to think about it again, it is that bad, actually worse\.
so after the accident i was brought to NUH. and then i became "the girl with the patches"
and then at night i brokedown
i could tell cuz i cried for no apparent reason
other than the fact that i got injured so badly.
so the nxt day was wushu lesson
and the girl with the patches was half dead after that
and the nxt day was 3rd lang.
and the girl with the patches almost fainted.
and tday was dance lesson
and the girl with the patches was half dead again
so that's how the girl with the scratches and then patches spent the first 1/2 of the freaking week.