4:52 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
say something! (0)
rebekah: heyhey becky. lols. haha same. and i'm not like you so nice, miss the whole class. muahaha. T.T anyway, I WANT MY CH6! :( miss everyone.
Nat: lols. yeah its fun xD enthu-102((: haha. tQtQs loads. YAY;D;D i shall try not to die there. and gratz for getting into softball(or was it netball. it will be so cool cuz nat plays netball. lol) it's so cool. you shall be the champion ^^ must jiayou there!!!
souless kid: haha. cuz your class not as enthu. xP it's our class organise one. cuz we vvv. cooperative;D
`ruth: hellooos((: LOL. actually no occasion at all. haha. had for fun. buddhen our maths teacher wasn't happy i think. keke. T.T
Yan Ying: YAY! haha. knew we could win de LOL. ;D. 102 is where we belong!
Shichun.♥: YAYS((: go us:D:D
Shichun.♥: ok. lols. the presentation already over lerhs. anyway that idea was not bad. and at least it wasn't disastrous (i mean on thursday) yeps. ;D
Nat: laff out loud eggies
\ben: hey ben. i saw yr post. and tks for voting. url decided already and it's no.1;D okie.

oh my.
my replies are so long T_T
so anywaes
i want 6feb to be tomorrow xD