6:42 AM
Friday, April 4, 2008
say something! (0)
sorry for not updating my blog for some time.
more farni things happened this week
i was practically laughing my head off everyday
(oh bytheway, i need to see a psychiatrist. 'cause everytime i do too much homework, i start laughing my head off. especially MATHS! -.-)
i got 神经病

anyway, thursday i had MODERN DANCE.
but we didn't have to dance much.
so jermaine, rachel, jielin and i went swinging!:D
then we went to the SAC.
and we were dancing like siaoper people.
and some pathetic, fun things:D

failure number one D:

failure number two. WE GIVE UP! wheee...

rachel is bean bagging
actually, she's killing the bean bag

haha. anyway, we had lots of fun(: