11:09 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
say something! (0)
taq replies:D
jermaine: hello(: thanks!<3 oh btw, your blog is full of taqs from you and your angel. haha:D
ruthhh<3: haha. whoots!:]
Yan Ying: YAN YING!<3 i'm so wuliao...
/`♥taymin: hello minmin!:D oohs. has been a long time since you called me zellie:D
$ R U T H :D: hello ((: will relink you asap :DDD
dodo offspring: i'm not your mommy:D and i know who you are, offspring(:
ESTHER; :DDD: we dont need to dance a lot now:D and i'll try update more:D but my life is kinda boring so yeah. wheee...xD
souless kid: you tagged to tell me that you had nothing to say... lol. i've got nothing to say too(:
/`♥taymin: yay, you're just like me, i'm RANDOM!~
clarice.: oh so cool(: my table partner is called shuyi(: i know 3 people called shuyi now. haha.
clarice.: yeah i told you before:D lol
souless kid: no comments ;D
Yan Ying: lol. HELLOS<3 (:

ok done~
UMBRELLEN ellen ellen eh eh eh...