4:54 AM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
say something! (0)
errs..hi. lvled up in audi again. YAY. but i still nid training. any pros out there? nvm.. played with an eight-yr-old boy from malaysia! GAWD. and he's lvl10 but i still won him. lolx. NEED TRAINING!! onli lvl8. sobs:(

got my class photo today and i looked ridiculous. seriously. i was lyk..expression-less. ch6's informal shot was pretty nice^^. go CH6ERS. CH66RS.hee-

played a game called hedbandz today. welly brought it to skool! so fun. really. though it made the ppl playing (including me) look toopid. cos u gotta wear this headband this and stick a card on it with words like'richard nixon, charlie chaplin, bill clinton, CHEESECAKE!, pig, pickle, hercules, casanova, mona lisa, mteverest, martini, pizza, doorknob, toothpick, paris, new york, venice some complicated places blah.. den u gotta guess what on ur head. damn difficult. some. like 'athens' anyway v.nice(: preacher willy got 'toupee' rotfl(rolling on the floor laughing) hahas!

going shopping on thurs. gonna buy some nice games like hedbanz. go there den see larh. still feel like playing headbanz. LOL. it totally rawkz.

bye suckers