5:28 AM
Friday, January 4, 2008
say something! (0)
hi people out there
nice to back in school. sort of.
cuz my school is quite nice((:
and easy to make friends cuz all girls. yay!
but dont really wanna get up every morning around 5.45am. wahs. sads.

so the first day of school. iwas already late so i didn't sing the school song and stuff liddat. ._.
cuz the jam was so bad!took 40 mins to reach school! gawdy
so now must wake up at bout 5.45am. or will miss the early bus.
after a few days in nugh already tired.
lols. probably because of the cca selection and stuff

ok so i wont post in detail.
cuz i already forgot the details.
i know i have 3 science teachers.
okay i will post more when my cca and stuff liddat is set ok?