2:39 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
say something! (0)
wah. tags! yay!
ok i'm being really pathetic.
but anyway
gonna reply((:
happy all?

[R][/u]T[H]: hello! :D jiay0us you too. will miss you loads. rawk on.
souless kid: wah you so enthu horh..
\ben: tq! you also rawk on in RI k? jys
Nat: harlow xp. heard you cheer tday. so pro larh. chinese can cheer so well :D and its not weird. good cheer(:good cheer(: haha i said twice already. and scs not that bad wan! they rawk loads. ;D
rebekah: hi! have fun in rgs. jiay0us. be the smartest there! tq ferh tagging
Yan Ying: YAN YING! yeah you pro. LOL:D lol link you asap. see euu! GO 1/2! ((:
Nat: hmm.. yr class v.good larh. cheer until so loud. lollol. yay for stoning?

ok i replied all. i think
anyway, tmr is choir walk-in audition. and i'm going! yay! but anyway, i sure wun get in.
and thursday is chinese dance and modern dance audition. yeah i'd be half dead by then larh.
ok tmr last they of audition
I MEAN orientation[confusing]
wah. my seniors rawk xp.
ok all for now