7:01 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
say something! (0)
jiale, you know you can stop calling yourself my offspring...
anyway, yes mr TIONG does ride a scooter...
*falls off chair again*

tag replies:D
dodo offspring: hello!<3>
clarice♥: NO you're not a big fat pig. *emphasis on the word 'not'*
souless kid: lol. i am random.
nat: hello:D sad. please go buy my tix. although i wont force you. hhaha. i'm kind alrights.
nat: you can come my house anytime. the door is always open. (well it's closed but when you come, i'll open it for you:D) and... ;I WANNA GO YOUR HOUSE:D
Yan Ying: hhaha. my butts hurts from falling off the chair...
dodo offspring: yes i know it'shard to believe. and yes mr mac. does speak singlish. he thinks he's funny which is kinda true... and yes he speaks it with his weird accent.
rebekah: REBEKAH! heeelllo:D JYSJYS in RGS. thanks. love you loads too <3>
cher: relinked you:D
dodo offspring: if he sees your cmment, you're deado meato, my dear dodo. gee, i dunnoe what coloured scooter he rides, maybe pink.. yes, you're mentally retarded. i'm aware of that. i dont give a damn if mrs amy scolds me. haha.
yueling: OMG. really. so farni. *rollingonthefloorlaughingmyheadoff*

yay. i'm looking forward to 19th april:D
19th april!
19th april!
19th april!
OMG 19th april...

it's taymin and anna's birthday. it is also the day of hatful of stars II:D
all the best to snrs<3>
