9:32 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008

I don't know how i would survive in NYMD without my batchmates :D

NYMD Sec 1!
we went to the beach/bitch[LOL, batchmates everyday 想太多] yesterday at aloha loyang resorts. :D
My 100th post :D
congratulate me on that
Tag replies! [:
OhMyTian, when was the last time i replied tags!?
yueling: yeah, thanks! [; HAHA
CHER: chercher is LOVEDD twice as much :D
\ben: i updated. &AND jiayou for boring holidays.
taymin: oki [:
offspring: not always, but most of the time. wahahas` *cheeky* [:
CLARICE!: i have no idea, but it's OK now [: jiayou bah!
Shichun: YAY! jiale, you see got people standing on my side. MAJORITY wins :D haha, thanks shichun! [: jiayou with the quizzz. i dont like provoking quizzes D:
\ben: no i didn't
\ben: don't care larh [: I DON'T wna do that quiz le.
Yan Ying: great minds think alike mah [:
hilary: &AND it's still growing! [:
\ben: yeah, hello [x
CLARICE!: ClariceLSY is being missed manymanys by ELLEN
Ellen :D