1:15 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
say something! (0)
tag replies!:D
nat: ._.''' eheh (x when are you coming to my house? , i miss the retarded chopstick race. !(:
offspring: cheer up dodo lele!(: i will be there for yooouuuu when you feel screwed up :D JYJYS!
Jiaying! ♥: yoyoyo!(: thanksthanksthanks &thanks! ;D
offspring: haha i know! thanks!(: x4 (x i love♥ the CAN of happy beer, i drank up everything. haha. nvrmind, nxt time come watch movie withhh meeee!
ruth: haha, thanks♥ it's ok, still got chance to go out tght during the JUNE HOLS(:
Shichun: YAY YAY!, LOL! thanks!(:♥

Ellen :D ♥