3:05 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
say something! (0)
i injured something in my back D:
Clue 1:
i scream/yell/cry everytime i stand up or sit down.
Clue 2:
Part of my back is bruised.
Clue 3:
I fell thrice during inline skating -.-
Clue 4:
i trust my instincts(:

i've got difficultyyyyy leaning back on my chair now D:
this is stupid.
or past tense (according to jiale) stupadd.
i swear tml if it's still painful, i would just be emo again. D:
`i won't be able to dance. MY CCA. i already screwed one dance. i haven't actually even learnt it.
`inline skating! i wna skate.
`i would be agonising the entire day again.

i screwed French.
got a B3.
it's an improvement actually,
i almost failed the previous time. But it still sucks like HELL.
bloody hell man.

sabbat. tday
-skate 2 rounds around the school
i'm so proud of myself that i was able to survive a "steep" slope (:
and go up one also!.
LOL. but no pain no gain,
and i fell once, which made the bruise and pain worse.
i could have just sat there a give this i-dun-wna-get-up face and give up, which probably i would.
But i didn't!
because of i was in the middle of the slope and if i dont get up and continue, people would crash into meeee... D:

two rounds around the school....
after that, i look like i got showered. like yesterday.
except yesterday, i did get showered. a FREE shower.
how nice right?
the garderner was watering plants on the 2nd/3rd/4th storey, i dunnoe.
and i was skating at the quadrangle (1st floor).
and i got showered by water that smelt like leaves and bouganvilla.
how pathetic D:

Malay culture was so damn boring.
we went to this mos-que (-.-) and exhibition place on some Arab street (?) to complete this malay culture ws.
sabbat, not supposed to have ws derhs :D.
after completing the ws, we were allowed to wander around freely (as long as we didn't get lost) on the Arab street (?). haha. practically, everyone from every class compressed into the 7eleven. lol.
i bought this concoction aka. Big Gulp of F&N grape, cherry, 100 plus, Sprite.
you may think bleh D;
but it's quite ok.
i didn't put ice lemon tea (phew), otherwise it would taste horrendous. (according to KLARA)
i shouldn't have bought such a gigantic cup if i knew i was unable to finish it.
slap myself. -.-
then we passed it around.
my dear drink, being passed around.
and people like Jia Le, Klara, CHERYL!, XINYI!, Hilary, Ling An, Shu Yi some others. all drank some of it. and in the end it was finished, so i didn't waste any of moneeyy.
and CHERYL! and XINYI! drank a-lot...
and my calbee potato chips also disappeared in like 5 minutes,
esp. with the presence of Eleen the food vacuum cleaner.
haha, what she claimed herself to be :D

oh and another thingo to be proud of today!
i got ...
i got moved to the intermediate class of inline skating.
i got moved to the intermediate class of inline skating.
how ironic right, i only started learning LAST FRIDAY!...
and now here i am in the intermediate class of inline skating
come on please, i never inline skat-ed BEFORE.
haha, to me it's a great accomplishment.

now, i'm so happy that i went ice-skating so often ;D
wish me good luck at east coast park this friday, we're skating there.