3:53 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
say something! (0)
tag replies! :D
nat: ♥
yueling: ank you ank you ank you! (x
PIKA!!: thank you!♥
cher: thanks hun!
ernie: peace piece victory 2 fingers! :D happy birthday to us and yoouuuu!:D ♥
\ben: oh nvm it's ok ;D. thanks anw!
Yan Ying: YOU MUST DARE LOR! must learn ;D yeah, you're first to sms me! so sad, i s leep alreadi.. xD
tayminnnn;D: my FBT's are not short and my legs aren't sexayye, minmin! ;D lol
/&nikki*: THANK YOU!:D nvm it's ok! (: glad you remembered! thanks! [:
\ben: thanks! [:
yueling: super fun! & SUPER HOT :D and dont think sick. LOL!
clarice: hi the true high ♥
Jiaying! ♥: yoyoyo!;D
cher: i got practise quite a bit last time. JYS! you sure will catch up de, become better than me.
and you not slow, i then slow larh, cant do it properly.
Shichun: i'm gonna beg my parents to help me buy rollerblades! :D hah!
offspring: get well soon hor! miss you! wanna go out again.
\ben: thanks! :D

i seem to be saying thanks to everybody
i'm such a lucky girl

Ellen :D ♥