7:20 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
say something! (0)
Cheryl, damn you for reminding us of our terrifying deaths D:<
*Relives nightmares of PSLE :O*
Breaking rulers are fun when you're bored in 2 hours of chinese lesson
Sewing your hand is fun too!
This is random :D Jerm and Enning! :D Oh, where is GAN?!
How weird is NYGH to have these words on a wall in a random place in the school o.0
I'm not a suck-up!
(Sorry, lazy fat pig doesn't like tilting pictures)

Paper critters! Jiale's on the right and mine on the left -.-
My broken-wing clay figurine with Hilary's handphone pouch :D
Jiale's clay figurine eating a battery
At some random musuem :D
From left : Klara, Eleen, Wanli, Jiaying, Jiale, Me, Shuyi, Shichun {;
Our school is haunted by a ghost that wears a dress made from recycled materials, wow -.-
(Sorry, lazy fat pig does not like tilting pictures)
Before exam -.-
As you can see:
Socks on the floor, files on the floor and chair, my gigantic pencil case is on the table, except you can't see if from all the irritating notes D:<
After exam ;D
Muffins of imperfection
Made them with Jiale during home econs. & thankgod my container was big enough to house 3 muffins.
I pancaked my mooncakes 'cause my container was to small, so it looked like tang yuan -.-
Ok, yueling is complaining that I didn't put a heart beside her name in the previous post o.0
P/S Watch The House Bunny and laugh your slippers/shoes/whatever you're wearing off (and slap yourself if you thought sick, you freakin' idiot)