6:35 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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Your OHSO enthusiast blogger is back!

EOYs ended today! & No-potato-chips-until-2009 diet commences tml! :D
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not hardcore ano or anything,
Just that during exams I turned to eating potato chips for ENERGY, and got addicted, pissing my mom off 'cause she came home everyday finding her chips gone (oops!)

Anw, maths paper 1 today was ok! :D
Didn't expect so myself to finish on time.

Discussed with Jiale on where to go. Klara had training ): and Shuyi went with her teamates (evil mushu! :p)

Ok finally decided to go vivocity {:
Bussed to newton on 171, took MRT to Habour Front and almost got lost :/
So then we went to Subway to but double chocolate chip cookie and guess what, SAW MUSHU! :D Haha, she looks cute in the netball jacket, lol
Ate at kopitiam for like 1hr? & ate my medicine [:

Walked around. Jiale bought yanying's present and I bought my mommy's present which I owed her since Jan -.- and Dad's as well! Watched The Bunny House

IT IS SO !@#$%^&*()_+ freaking FUNNY :D
Haha, and bimbo as well but bimbo is sometimes nice to watch (like iBeauty in Scarlet!) Oh, the girls in the movie were really pretty! :D
Some funny lines in the movie:
"I think I'll have the mahi-mahi, but I'll just have one mahi 'cause I'm not that hungry"

"I work at a nursing home"
"Oh my it's so nice of you to open a home for nurses to live in"
Bimbo like shit but it's hilarious :D
HSM3 looks nice too but I think it'll be kinda o.0

Jiale had to reach home by 3, so after movie ended rushed home.
Bumped in to YanYing, Shichun, Jiaying and WanLi! :D
& also Cheryl from NYMD, wow.
Saw Jinny too, & I will miss her loads.

Ok, MRT-ed to Outram Park and then to Clementi
Bussed home on 106 alone [:

So the first thing I did at home was to pull down the disgustingly-green-also-waste-ink-freakish exam time table and run into the kitchen screaming "Hoola Hoola!" And dumped it into the bin, WHERE IT DESERVES TO BE, YOU STUPID TIME TABLE~
Finally got rid of it, and yes I didn't throw it, I DUMPED it
So I went into my room and realised my dad had written on the whiteboard:
Exam is over! Ya!
(Which was kinda weird, it should be 'Exams are over! Yay!')
Went to my mom's room and ransacked the entire place for my book (Nineteen Minutes by Picoult) which she confiscated :/ & Finished it. After reading the book, I didn't know whether to cry or to be relieved, oh well, Picoult is really talented!

Watched SYTYCD season 4 for the entire afternoon
I LOVE TWITCH! & Courtney is hot
(Ok, that was totallyyyyyyyyyyyy off point)
& have been listening to Chris Brown's Forever for like the past 20minutes.

Here's my list of post-exam activites:
1. BAKE LIKE !@#$%^&*()_+ Haha, Jiale shall be my fellow baker, POOF
2. Improve flexibility :/ Damn my freaking stone-like legs
3. Try my best to get selected for SYF 2009 dance competition (desperate here)
4. Cross-stitch
5. Watch HSM3 -.- I can't believe I typed that. Disney is so O_O
6. Get hold of Twilight
7. Cut hair -.-
8. Go out with Jiale♥ Klara♥ and Mushu♥
9. Meet up with charitians♥
10. Go out with Yueling and shumin maybe too! {:
11. Photoshop until my eyeballs pop
12. Choreograph some contemp. dances
13. Learn jazz and latin!
14. Improve technique

Oh yes, and change my blooooooooody handphone!

Oh yes, I need to know if I should buy a new bag 'cause my bag is like a...
Potato sack o.0

Will upload pictures soon!
