3:30 AM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
say something! (0)
I just got pissed off my a dumb game so I've turned to blogging for distress O_O

Holidays are over.
Sad isn't it?
I mean, how often do you see a one-week study camp holiday?

Ok, I shall be grateful and thank god that there is even such a thing as a break from school :D

Ok basically I have like 1& a half homework left -.-
1. Revise chem - The metals thingum and the whatever group 7&8 stuff
2. Memorise all my lines for FPS presentation/skit tml! Dx
3. Memorise all my lines for choral and drama night (tho' this isn't really tht urgent)
4. Pray that the maths revision paper is not compulsory, 'cause I don't plan to do it.
5. Pray that there'll be a kind soul tml, to let me copy the french homework, 'cause I don't plan to do it OR
6. Pray that Mr Huet FORGETS TO COLLECT the french homework :D
7. Pray that the literary essay IS compulsory, 'cause I spent so damn much effort completing it, [refer to post below]

Oh, I just realised I've never blogged about choral and drama night/speech training class.
I'm gonna be the tuition teacher for my skit T_T
Jiale is the school teacher
& Omfg,
she has to wear heels, haha.
I can't really imagine {: But I'll see soon. Good luckkk...
Hope I don't have to wear heels, I can't even walk properly in them.
So yeah, it's quite fun :D
& Melissa and Weelin are cute when they act {:
so C&D night is not until like ... Nov?
Which means I don't have to worry about my lines yet & all those funny antics xD (or was it antiques?)
P.S. The play is CHINESE.

Tomorrow gotta reach school at 730 when school starts at 830.
All because of the stupid FPS yan2shi4 which we gotta do
(and I haven't done my lines)
I'm supposed to act as a fairy person thingo o.0
Another play that is CHINESE.

Screw Chemistry and Chinese Culture.
I'll hate the alphabet 'C' from TODAY onwards
[that is 'C's that begin a stupid subject, and not 'C's that begin a name, haha]

Why must the outer electron be called valency electron when it could just be called valence electron, like valence shell? >:[
& Do we care if nian2 the ohso scary monster existed?