1:33 AM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
say something! (0)
What an absobloodylutely ridiculous connection of S'pore.
Like, are you organisers trying to connect or disconnect the people

So, basically, we went there damn early in the morning at 930 and got baked. Then we got led to where we were supposed (or not...) to stand. & we just stoned, and stoned, and stoned.
Wasted 3 hours, just to later find out that the thingum was over and we were dismissed. We didn't link hands, didn't say the Pledge, yeah, didn't CONNECT.
How ironic isn't it?!

Go there & get burnt to half death, sweat like crap, get your face all red and go home without doing a single thing.

"Is this some kinda damn joke?" I heard people say.

& now, there's this newspaper before me.
Headlines: 3万多青少年手牵手组20公里长"人龙"

I'm trying so hard now to appreciate the effort made by all the students and staff, but I just felt it was a stupid waste of time.
To be honest, I'd rather have lessons than to go there and get baked like roasted chicken and waste 4 hours.


After the "Connect" Singapore, Jermaine, Rachel G and I bussed to Novena, Velocity and ate Long John Silvers. We were basically starving and all on the verge of falling asleep, especially me. We talked about Mas Selamat, how nobody really cares now & some other topics. After lunch, we kinda slacked all the way and window shopped. (Like duh, as if we had the money with us that time to even buy anything). We found an isolated place, bought bubble tea and crapped about random things, that I don't think we really cared about.

Then we walked through the MRT underpass to United Square and walked aimlessly, talked about generation gaps T_T. Jermaine went for some appointment. & later we met En Ning. Went TLL and sat there until tuition started.

The general idea about the lesson was death (I COULD RELATE TO THAT). The teacher gave us 6 pictures of cruelty.
1. Vietnam war, a girl running naked after getting poured on with acid
2. A vulture waiting for an African girl to die
3. A fireman saving an infant that was severely injured during a war
4. A guy commiting suicide by throwing himself off the World Trade Centre in New York during 911 in the crash, desperation for a faster death (I almost cried to that)
5. & 2 pictures showing cruelty towards the Iraq prisoners. One was about humiliating them and another was a woman dragging a naked man on the ground by a leash on his neck.

Yes, & to make things worse
The poetry the teacher gave us was on death and selfish people (basically referring to spoilt people like us). It was about people burning themselves alive, showing protest to the government, wanting a change.
& it talks about all we want to see is the gore and bloodiness, showing no sympathy or whatever concern.
Like comparing them to "burnt like roast chicken"
Or "falling like pigeons to the ground"

I seriously don't know whether to feel guilty or not. The poem says we only care about what we want, unreasonable and 'audacious' demands.

So yeah, tuition sucked.


It was the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
It totally "rocked my shit" - Quoted from Shiyun when talking about how much she liked Happy Tree Friends xD o.0
I'm so pride of China, how creative they were and how much effort they put in to perfect the performances, & it WAS really perfect.
& Zhang Yi Mou's choreography really rocked [:
It kinda showed his other side of not those obscene stuff I guess [x
So the opening ceremony was brilliant.
& the little boy walking aside Yao Ming when the China team came out was so damn cuteeeee *hearts*
*wants to pinch his cheeks*
Haha, it looked kinda comical too, friendly giant and innocent little guy :D
The USA team wearing the white hats also looked cute, LOL.
The concept of the Olympic cauldron and everything was original
So in conclusion, I loved the opening ceremony.

Visit to the museum on Thursday
SO we went to some creepy museum with 103, 107 and some other people. & I saw Nicholineeee! :D LingAn was like; "Uh.... NICOLETTE!" & I went, "NichoLINE!" [:
We were given 3 worksheets, & free to go anywhere to do them. So I went with Klara, JiaLe, Eleen, Shuyi, WanLi, JiaYing and ShiChun ( YanYing didn't go D: )
The museum was kinda eerie
1. No lights
2. Talking screens which go "HELLO!" in this lame way when you touched them
3. Creepy status that may 'appear' right beside you when you turn your head.

We sorta walked around into random galleries. & We only completed 1 worksheet. But everyone was either to freaked out or too hyped up to care, as long as it isn't graded ;P

Then we ended laughing about lame things, zilian like crap, camwhoreeeee :D
We decided to give up on the worksheets anw, so we went back to the lobby and slacked, lamed ourselves out.
-Will post pictures when I get the motivation-

We bussed back to school, sat beside Klara, LingAn being super hyper. And whenever I said "poke", she'll start laughing like a chipmunk [: Siaopered on the bus. Sang community songs. & some off us literally stood up for Singapore on the bus, and sat down quickly when the bus shaked. LingAn stamped really hard when she stood up, and later the floor kinda cracked a little -.- We went crazy and waved to all the buses that passed, including public buses. Some people were like giving us that "this must be a bus going to the mental hospital" look. While others waved back, with some hesitation. Also Kallang waved, which was kinda pathetic. LOL.

After reaching school, we collected our bags, went to bus stop with Shuyi and bussed home alone.


tag replies [:
jermaine: Ok, crazy hot chick :D
TAYMIN!:D: MIN! :D I won't be conquered, NEVER. EVER. Haha, I'm a fighter ;P
CLARICE: Ok, your highness :D
1. I'm not pissed, YAY :D
2. I know, but you can kneel before me whenever you want LOL [: Just joking
3. You ARE a baddie, dearie
4. I'm not frail, your stick-ish body can topple without any wind [;
5. Whatever hottie :D
6. HAH your head [:
jermaine: Happy new year? Are you feeling ok?
tammie: Yep, it's getting better. Laoshi bought us ice-cream! :D
Yan Ying: HOHOHO
&;BEN: I emailed Pika but she didn't receive, will email her again
TAYMIN!:D: I'm not that disgusting to smash a BFF's head. LOL, loves!
Shichun: I refuse to believe the opinion that you're short.
Shichun: Yes it's me, yes it's me~ No more blog song D:
kk: Yeah, I knew you're a nice hottie :D
CLARICE: Crazy woman twin [:
yueling: Yeah, she gave up reconstructing D:
Yan Ying: hohoho ~
cher: High 5:D *Piak* Hmmm, yeah, she'll perform on the results show tho'. Watched everything on u-tubeeee alr xD
TAYMIN!:D: LOL, yes yes yes. Tell me when your tests are over {: Maybe after EOYs?
Yan Ying: Lol, nvm, as long as it's a play I'm going good {: & don't think like that woman, I'm not unwilling. *Supports TCN*
souless kid: LOL, there isn't a story, I guess. See you.
jermaine: Since when I become evil D:
cher: It is a big deal that you love SYTYCD, 'cause I love it too :D
cher: Haha, cute. I read this "big fat hairy deal" from Garfield comics a few years back -.-
&;BEN: Ok, yeah sure. What's so OMG?
rachel g: LOL, first time seeing you tag [: , Loves :D
jermaine: Ok, I'll go link after replying all the tags I 'daoed' -.- Loves
TAYMIN!:D: Wow, your tags are damn long. Hmm, what should I say? IMY ILY IMY ILY IMY ILY + lotsa lotsa bear hugs and big fat hearts and smiles :D Loves!

& Lastly,

ellennnnnnnnnnnnnn ;