5:18 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
say something! (0)
damn sian. bored.
haiz. dont feel lyk playing audi now cos i played almost the whole dday.

my dad finally bot air-con remote controls. YES!!! almost all the remote controls in my hse spoiled. so onli one left. and OMG!!. one remote is like 100++. ex man. NVM.
dhen my dad said that he actually called the MOE to make sure that my s1 application lyk, there? i was lyk. DAD!!! that's so..


i'm just so bored.
OMG. posting results seems lyk gonna come soon. lols. hope i get into the first choice school. MUST PRAY HARD PPL! xD

bored again. watching this show on national geography. which i watched lyk so many times. bout a plane that crashed or something. siansiansian. no nice show one lorh.

srry, just so damn bored. ok now the plane is like going left and right and so on. and the ppl r screaming lyk their life is gonna end[which is] and they died. sadd. diao.
aiya. srry for wasting ur time reading this post.