5:11 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
say something! (0)
toopid COM so lag..NVM

today's last day of primary school days! GRADUATE LERHS! dia0'.
got some ppl cry. got some ppl happy(e.g.the p5s)
anywaes, i also dunnoe what i should feel.
at least still can see my friendz on results day *shudders*
and still got parties everday.. so... YAY

tmr going iceskating wif ernie and anna.. i think.. whoots! dhen i think gonna watch movie. or go arcade. hope my iceskating improve lehs.

damn tired kays. went school today. LAST day. *weep* dhen after that took some pictures. dhen go 7-11. but didn;t go long 77 come dhen me and anna go to her hse cuz later going tuition tgt. jia wei and clement were on the bus. we say bye to them then they no response one lorhs. HMPH. ._.|||. gonna totally miss all my fab fwens. waahs. anywaes, dhen later reached anna's hse. we were toking bout some cow stuff dhen got tis man staring at us cuz we were laffing like mad. LAWLS. tried to dl audi on her com. but cannot (i lvled up in audi again! YAY! lvl 9. happy novice^^)so aft tt we got bored so we walk to west mall dhen watch bee movie. quite nice larh. cute(: had lunch at kfc. aft tt went my hse. we went to the baby pool to plae. hahas:D i was ALMOST TOTALLY drenched. dhen went tuition.

anna gonna join my music class. just realised i haven;t told u what instrument i playing horh. oops. still not gonna tell eu. hee-

hope to watch all the following movies:
-alvin and the chipmunks
-the golden compass
-game plan(:

update tmr^^