6:34 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
say something! (0)
errs. HEYS PPL.
how's after-grad? ._.|||(srry i dunnoe wth i'm toking bout)

today went ice-skating wif yiern and anna. its supposed to be a class thing eu know. but it's so pathetic cos onli 3 ppl went. CRAPS. nvm.

dhen later walked around in jec. so tiring. legs and feet all numb. bleh- dhen yi ern had to go cuz her parents came. so anna nd i bot nachos(: hee- my dad send me to anna's hse nd i played with her bunbun^^ so qi-yoot(:

*btw, maxy's totally adorable. ask ernie..

ok back to bunbun. i want one! waahs. ._.||| srry, dying from cuteness;

dhen later gtg home. dhen went west mall to hv dinner. bot converse shoes and a shirt:D
