6:00 AM
Friday, November 9, 2007
say something! (0)
I'M OK! (look, if u've no idea what i'm toking bout, read the previous post). LAWL^^

anywaes. today got ipp. and i can go skool. YAY! the ipp was really..i dunnolarh. probably useless. anywae gonna graduate soon le marh(sad). first say only need seal one door. den mrs lee. say must seal both. than i was thinking'wth. how we breathe..' then seal finish both doors lerh. so help ppl seal window. damn chaotic. so ppl dunno how to help wan. jkjk. but quite fun larh. dhen later the whole room smelled like plasitc(the trash bags). and soFORTUNATE k, nobody use the toilet. but it was well done. thks to pika, keisha and some other ppl(: dheni got climbn on a chair ON a table. not really wobbly larhs. but i'm still fat. hee-

dhen just sit down there and fan each other lorh. so stuffy. play wink murderer. but couldn't lyk concentrate cos busy fanning. dhen later announcement say can take out lerhs. so..ya, that's bout it.

gonna hv class party! on wednesday. YAYS:P. GONNA bring chicken nuggets i think(:

plaed audi the whole day. lvled up twice in a dae. YAY. but not my account. LOL. helping ppl:D

P.S. got friend test under my PROfile. go do can? tyty!