6:02 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
say something! (0)
40th post.
okay those ppl on msn tday.
who toked to me.
i didn't reply.
cos i was out! and i left in such a hurry i never log off. dhen, so i never reply
sorry to ben, yi xian, jolly, jia wei, shuin hern, rebekah, shi yun and many ppl larh..
please dont think i was audi-ing or whatever k. iwas really out!
k. please. i'm really sorry.
bet no one would tok to me on msn anymore. waahs.
so when i came back. I WAS TOTALLY OMG. COS GOT 12 MESSENGER DHERE AT THE BOTTOM. AND SOME PPL I REPLIED. BUT THEY NEVER REPLY... PROBABLY REVENGE. dhen some ppl were offline. so no chance to say hi. or even srry. toopid.
anywaes, please forgive me kays!): will log off next time.
and you may be wondering why i was out.
went to watch enchanted at cineplex. [i already told ben but he still tok to me. lols. nvm]
quite nicee larhh. a little unrealistic. but nice.
wanna watch, fred claus, alvin and the chipmunks. and this funny detective show i forgot the name. and yahh know that 30 days of night is so totally scary. bout vampires.. shudder
dhen later went shopping. not shopping spree exactly. but just walk around. and..
as in the keychain. duh-
so qi-yoot.
dhen later went to tll[tuition] got two new rabbits^^ yays. they're dwarf rabbits. which means they'll never grow too big. which makes then so cuuute. lawls. i wan one! but my dad said that my reawrd for my psle marks can be almost anything except pets. so i was totally disappointed. anywaes, got a rabbit-naming competition. any suggestions? hahas. mayb i'll call them ruby and toupee? nah. nvrmind
today in tll got this weird oral presentation thingy must propose a holiday tour or something. so complicated.
ellie posted;;