12:13 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
say something! (0)
hi. tday results day. sian. anyway, i'm quite okok wif my results larh. didn't really expect myself to get that. ANYWAES, tday went to school at 11+ dhen wait at the porch for my fwens to arrive. dhen we saw linlaoshi. she said most of us will be happy when we get our results. dhen i was wondering if i would be part of the 'most'. ok whatever. dhen she said we're gonna have pizza. dhen i tot she lying. cos mrs lee said must whole class get a* star for el then can have pizza. AND THATS TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE!! make me even more anxious.dhen went to the hall. saw this stack of papers on the table. tot it was the results yah know. dhenn turned out to be daily bread. haizz. LOLS. so later mr peck sang with us give thanks. then mrs foo strated toking bout some. i dunnoe stuff. so we prayed. then the top 3 scorers got announced
1. Soh Huiling
2. Lim Ming Kit
3. Chew Hsiu Yee
Yay. proud of euu guys. GRATZ:)(:
dhen later mrs. foo showed us some charts. and we were all clapping like siao cos the subject we all higher than average. clap until hands red. lawls.
mrs lee took us to class to give out results. duh- and some other stuff like pin code and things liddat.v.important stuff.
dhen dah RESULTS. OMG. nvm
so some ppl were happy some were sad. and some [e.g.the top scorers] were so happy until they cannot tell they're happy anymore ._.|||
dhen some ppl were okok. like me. so i borrowed pika's phone and called my dad then he came to school. and came to the ch4 classroom... blahblah
and mrs lee ordered pizza cos 32 ppl in our class got a* for el(OMG! but el this yr quite easy)and mrs lee was pretty happy(: so, YAY! PIZZA!dhen later help to keep the chairs and said byebye. and all the time i couldn't believe my PSLE score. LOL. but, sorry, not telling. euu can ask me if u want..................
SHOUTOUTS to all p6es:
hope you did well for ur psle. and never give up if ur score is not up to ur expections. if u wanna know why, ask mrs. ivy lee;)