5:23 AM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
say something! (0)
hi all. tday was really crazy.
first went to JEC [jurong entertainment centre]. supposed to meet there at 11.30am wif taymin. yixian, ben, jw,shuinhern. dhen when i went outside the cinema dere NOBODY. kays. dhen i went down to i dunnoe where. later some1 called me so i went up. and onli jw and shuinhern.later ben came followed by yixian. so we bought tickets first. (taymin haven't come yet). dhen later we just walked around. and dhen taymin sms me say we shld eat first. so we did. eat halfway, taymin come lerhs. oh yea, b4 that, jw and ben were like throwing fries into the lemon tea. until i lost my appetite. and haven't finished eating yet lorhh. nvm(...)so later the boys went up to i dunnoe where. and we waited for tm to finish eating and stuff liddat. aft that was the crazy partt. went to take neoprints.xD. really chaotic. cos some of the neoprints tt came out. got evil twins in them. (x. haha~ cuz we anyhow take mahh. dhen everything oso in jap. lols. after that, we went to watch movie. fred claus. quite nice larh. shuinhern and jw bot this whole box of popcorn. and they didn't finish it. cuz too much. so during the movie, we were like passing the box around? lawls. ok so the movie ended. and dhen went take neoprints again. haha~ made mistakes again. kaes. so that was bout it.

OMG! a new entertainment centre opened today. gonna go nxt sat. got the biggest ice-skating rink in s'pore there. oso got bowling. etc. YAYS!(x