11:55 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
say something! (0)
This holiday has made me realise:
1. i cant forever update my blog with happy events
2. my handphone will be one of my most important important possessions.
because sooner of later, we wont be calling each other.perhaps to shy. and the
way to communicate is to sms. also known as 'fake communication'
3. it is impossible to keep all yr friends. because its probably to tiring to keep
100+ friends
4. who are my true friends
5. those whom i thought were my friends but backstabbed me. like i was something
they accidentally stepped.or something they used.
6. what is my most precious-my friends.
7. my fear of going to sec school and losing all my friends.
8. that most of us wont be friends forever.
9. and that sentence above isn't because of you guys or me. its just reality.
10.most of us think its an everlasting friendship. ironically, its not gonna be for
most of us.
11.best friends may go separate ways. and may not keep in touch
12.we're not interested in keeping touch anymore. nobody exaclty bothers.

okay the good stuff
13.my friends are all great
14.i love playing(:
15.i love going to mals with my friends
16.i love music
17.i love music xD
18.i love nachos more (x
19.i love movies
20.i love buying gifts.
21.i love watching korean dramas(...)