7:57 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
say something! (0)
kaes. gonna blog about ystd

kaes. so after lunch ystd. went for music lesson. after that, anna asked me to go to gen's hse wif her. and i was lyk "her hse so far leh" anna said take MRT then my parents dont allow. haiz. so after that i say i call her if i can go. dhen anna called me and said shuinhern's parents can fetch. so ok then i can go lorh. so anna came my hse around 4+. and shuin hern was still lazing around at home lorh. (!!!). ok so his car came and we went gen's hse._.|||. ok to much elaboration.

dhen at her hse we went down play badminton. dhen anna say her shirt make her feel itchy and stuff liddat. so she went up to change. and so gen and i went buy this something-like-ice-cream thingy. and so we ate till our hands were sticky. then continue playing badminton.blah- and all the time shuin kang couldn't stop talking! diao. ok so we went up and watch tv for a while b4 going down again to buy food and drinks. and dhen we had dinner at her hse.a dn after that we were like fighting over he tv. until i scared the cable spoil larhhs.a d some1 went to the tv and off-ed it.lols.dhen later we wanted to use com but gen's mum using. and when we finally got to use, shuin hern's (and shuin kang's and shuin jian's) dad came and we went home lorh. and on the way home we were discussing if its true that a guy in our school flushed his head down the toilet.!!??

i'm grounded
[cuz i went out thrice last week. so.]