12:07 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
say something! (0)
heys. yesterdayy was posting results.
so went to school at about 10 to collect psle cert. damn ugly cert. xD

ok then went her house and checked posting results(i'm not gonna post it here but you can check under my 'desires', k?)

then later found out yixian, gah yarn and some other ppl same school as me(: YAY! but most my BFFs not. ~sobsD:

ok nothing much to post.
relinked. so relink me kayss? TQTQ!
and changed the song.hope you guys like, tho its sung by britneyspears.

and hope euu like the skin:D
monkeyss rule.haha~(FAKEE GORILLAS TOOxD)