2:06 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
say something! (0)
-About Yourself -100 Questions-
- General Info -
Happy with it?:neutral
If not, what would you change it to?:i want something different
Eye color?:brown
Happy with it?:yes
If not, what would you change it to?:maybe purple
Skin color?:normal skin colour
- Favorites -
Food?:edible food
Website?:imeem:D music webs!<3
Fast food?:mcd! NO- i dont eat fast food:D
Activity?:dancing!(: randoming. <3 shopping
TV Show?:any random korean drama
Actor?:forgot his name
Actress?:forgot her name
Movie?:GEE. i dunnoe
Shoe brand?:adidas?...
Dog?:golden r. please!
Cat?:i dont like cats. thanks
Board Game?:i hate board games
Video Game?:audition:D
- Usernames -
On Aol or AIM?:huh
On MSN or MSN Messanger?:MSN tiinypiie:D
On Bzoink?:huh
On LiveJournal?:no thanks
On Blurty?:huh
On Neopets?:wtf
- This or That? -
Coke or Pepsi?:coke
Black or White?:black:D
Summer or Winter?:winter!
Spring or Fall?:spring
Mountains or Plains?:plains(:
Rock or Pop?:POP
Jeans or Khackis?:JEANS
Shorts or Capris?:shorts
Message Boards or E-mail?:message boards..?
Some good friends or a lot of bad ones?:some good friends
TV or computer?:computer
Cordless phone or cell?:cell:D
Survey or Quiz?:survey
Pink or Red?:RED. pink sucks
Christmas or Easter?:christmas!:D no!-valentine's<3
Read or Write?:write
Take or Create?:create
Flower or Weed?:roses:D
Pizza or Antelope?:PIZZA
- Love Life -
Have you ever had a girlfriend/boyfriend?:no
Do you currently have a girlfriend/boyfriend?:no
How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?:none
Does your girlfriend/boyfriend give you presents?:refer to the top^
- How Many -
Pairs of Shoes?:5...? if you dont count dance shoes
Musical Instruments?:1
Buckets of Lard?:i dont like lard. so i have none
Pets?:0 real pets. 1000 imaginery pets
Hair brushes?:3..?
- Talents -
Can you sing?:yes
Can you dance?:YES. that was so insulting
Can you decorate?:yes
Can you type fast?:i think...
Can you train animals?:i haven't tried
Can you write?:depends
Can you read fast?:depends
Can you sharpen pencils?:insulted
Can you paint?:insulted
Can you draw?:what do you take me for?
- Random -
Name a random song.:bleeding love
Name a random TV show.:ellen degeneres. wahahas:D
Name a random food.:pizza
Name a random person.:myself
Name a random animal.:fox
Name a random holiday.:to Mars
Name a random cartoon character.:sponge bob!
- Family -
Do you have siblings?:real-none; imaginery- i havent counted
Do you get along with them?:sometimes.
Do you live at home?:i live in a house
Are your parents divorced?:no
- Are you.. -
In love?:with dance -yes
Sleepy?:i just drank coffee:D
Glad you took this survey?:oh yes, very
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test from my angel's blog(: