6:11 AM
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
say something! (0)
my dear chermaine wants me to do this:D so i shall be guai<3

Name 20 people you can think of right now.
Dont read the questions till you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.

1. shiyun
2. jiale
3. klara
4. lingan
5. yanying
6. taymin
7. yiern
8. anna
9. ming kit
10. shuin hern
11. jiawei
12. chermaine
13. clare
14. rachel
15. shichun
16. yixian
17. joel
18. jiaying
19. benjamin
20. shuyi

how did you meet #14?

what would you do if you didnt meet #1
nobody to approach. deprived of bestie. breakdown.

what if #9 and #20 dated?
(ming kit and shuyi)
i would vomit blood

will #6 and #17 date?
(taymin and joel)
(taymin, dont kill me)

describe #3
she's nice. too nice
sporty. PRo at hurdles
aiya, she just damn nice oki?
love her loads!<3

#8 attractive?
OH! a BIGBIG yes!:D very good dancer too!

describe #7
chio!:D gentle.
cute and bubbly:D very good dancer.
one of my besties!

know of any #12 family members?
i think she has a bro:D

what will you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you?
that's wont happen. we're all straight(:

what language does#15 speak?
kawaiilish. :D

who is #9 going out with?
no comments:D

how old is #16 ?
12+!:D another kawaii one!;D

when is the last time you spoke to #13?
Today, at CSM :]

who is #2 favourite band / singer?
dunnoe.. her songs are random:D

you ever date #4?
(ling an)
Nope! i'm straight.

would you ever date #1?
she one of my besties! we're not les.

#19 single?
absolutely a yes. unless i didn't get the facts right

what's #10 last name?
(shuin hern)
wu? shuin hern?

would you ever be in a relationship with #11?
we're just friends who are always opposing each other

school of #3?

where does #6 live?
bestie! choa chu kang. windermere:D

whats your favourite thing about #5?
she's brave!:D and fun-loving. and just so bad (in the nice way)
i will forever love my choir mate and smacksmack!:D

have you seen #2 naked?
not to be answered:D

5 people to do survey

that was quite hard to complete