3:55 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
say something! (0)
taq replies; i have to finish blogging in 5 minutes. dont ask why. ;D
dodo offspring: randomised dodo offspring who's obssesed to with mr teng and thinks he's cute and like to flood my tagbrd and being evil who is bored and wants me to come online. haha.
yueling: lets hope its pink so we can laugh at him:D
yueling: and do take a picture:D wahahas
hilary: hellos!<3
TAYMIN:): miss you too<3 and you're the chio one:D loves forever!
♥RUTHHH!: hello!:D miss you too!(: looking forward to meet ups!<3
yueling: <3! YUELING!♥
Shichun: ahh! mr tiong is abnormally cute; hahas
TAYMIN:): hey nice. lol!:D chill. i know you're not les. hahas<3
clarice: saw your new blogskin. nice!<3
Yan Ying: his scooter is mine!:D heehee
clarice: welcomes<3!
regine: its ok:D we all missed you, our dear i/c!:D loves
\ben: you rock on too:D
rachelll`(1/1)♥: hello RACHEL!:D modern dance is the LOVELOVE:D
cher: i stole from my angel's blog. haha(:
CHERYL: everyone seems pissed today. anyway, i'm not listening to your farmer sotry anymore. thankyouverymuch:D <3 lalala i'm not listening. whee
Shichun: ellephant indirectly means ellen phat! which sounds like ellen fat. haha. all 'rounded' shichun!<3 wee...
\ben: yeah i know. i was half dead after completing it. JYS!:D
ernie=]: AAAAHHH ernie!:D yay<3 jiayous ok!:D miss you loads!:(

i forgot to time myself D: