2:57 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008

the only thing i was happy about last week (emo week):
getting my dear JAZZ PANTS
i waited for 2 damn long weeks! xD
and i just realised how long my legs are...
i sat opposite ELEEN! ystd for BRP. (zzz...)
BRP sucks.
its hell. without the devils.
anw, i help eleen write her name and she help me write mine.
result? below -.-
wrote for each other up-sidedown so when we turned it right side up...
thanks eleen, you wrote the date and name wrongly D:
while i wrote yours correctly xD
i wont correction tape/liquid it off
sentimental (x
i love eleen♥
and today she was saying to me,"
you are BOBO! and i'm chacha! & ... (yeah) BOBOCHACHA!"
haha. i dont like BOBO xD
i love chacha♥
who's under the blanket? me(; daddy took this picture. wahahas
jiale!♥ haha
random picture i took at mcdonalds united square!
was waiting for jermaine, vanessa and clarice! ♥
sandra's CJ7:D
Ms Tan!:D our looooovely history teacher
she's leavin us tho'
sobs D;
so 102♥ got her a beauuutiful shroom:D PINK!:Dhaha
she's going off to university! D:
hope she does well there
102♥ will miss her loads. that's just so sad.
from top to bottom:
Ling an, pink shroom, Hilary and lollipop:D
ellennnnn ; ♥