3:11 AM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
say something! (0)
this blog is damn dead.
so i'm here to revive it (:

darn lahs.
handphone no battery. it betrayed meee..
now cannot mass upload pictures.
how sad you know.

french test- over.
haha. slacking now.
i getting this kinda no-need-to-study-for-the-rest-of-my-life feeling
which unfortunately not true lahs.

my hand currently smells like, DUMPLING!.
today at school got dumpling making session or whatever.
i think i took someone else's dumpling.. and ate it.
and YES, the session was during LAAAAAAAAAAA
fyi, i hate LA.
the subject and the teacher.
no, not the subject.
i cant believe she actually wants us to sheng1 chu1 some kinda 1500-word essay on some chimechimne topic on neurotechnology in 1 weekend.
i'm only human you know.

"complain less
and be more grateful for what you have"

i shall do that

sabbaticals is tml, tml:D
i'm lucky
hope everyone enjoy their first time having SABBATICALS!(:

looking forawrd to outings with-
.102ers, yanying, klara, jiale

i musy jiayou to make all that ^ happen
in other words, finish all hollies homework ._.

mr tiong and ms tan is leeeeeaaavin'
[currently listening to leavin' my jesse mccartney]
i just realised 102 is suay.
except for the fact that we won sec1 c1 csm and talent time.
all the NICENICENICE teachers are leavin'
ms tan- university
mr tiong- some kinda enrichment thingo
and i guess mr tang too- university.
if mrs amy leaves one day, i would...
i dunnoe:Dlove it
and if wulaoshi leaves
i'll cry big amounts of blood and die and its all gonna be the school's fault.
thanks HOD of whatever.

ok, i'll continue posting later-
when my notty handphone lives again.
oki? oki

warheads<3 sour